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POV y/n
"Can you go any faster?" I yell at officer Rivera as I dial Scarlett for the third time. Ugh God, pick up pick uppp.

"Stay calm. I'm going 85, and we will be at your house in 20 minutes. Keep calling her. Do you have her location?" He suggests and I remember I do.

I check the Find my IPhone app and see her location pop up that she's home, in the house. Or at least her phone is. No, stop don't think negative, she's is fine. She's just busy.

"She's home. Please go fucking faster" I say and hit the dashboard. I can't stop running different stupid scenarios through my mind.

"Y/n I'm going as fast as I can." He says as he gets off the exit and gets closer to our house. I'm frantically staring at my phone to see if she moves or answers back but there's no change. It just blinks green telling me her phone is on.

I glance up from my phone and I see the driveway I'm tempted to get out and run but of course I had to pick a long ass driveway. Once he's in the vicinity of the parking I hop out of the moving vehicle and run to the door. It's locked, so that's a good thing and I quickly unlock it and throw the door open.

"Scar!! Are you home!?" I yell but don't get a response. I walk further in to see her purse, keys and phone all sitting on the front entrance way table, which is still not unusual. Everything seems fine. But where is she? I glance in the kitchen and living room since that's what I can see but nothing so I head upstairs and straight into our bedroom. I notice a folded towel on the bed. That's when I see the bathroom door closed and hear a shower running. Oh thank god. I grab the towel and I bust open the door to see her taking a shower through the fogged glass and can visibly relax now.

"Babe!? What the hell you scared the shit out of me!" She laughs clutching a loofah to her chest.

I open the shower door so she can see me better and I look her up and down, looking for any signs of injury. "My eyes are up here." She teases and I lock eyes with her immediately after she says that.

"We need to talk" I say and see her face expression change from humor to worried.

"Oh god, are we going to break up? You know we're married right?"

"Baby I'm never leaving you so shush. But this is important and I need your help" I say and she quickly rinses herself off before getting out of the shower. I wrap her the towel and lead her into the bedroom when I remember officer rivera is downstairs.

"Get dressed and meet me downstairs. There's a police officer down there so don't be alarmed" I say and kiss her head leaving her to change while I go find officer Rivera. I head downstairs and see him standing in my backyard looking around.

"Hey, she was in the shower. I'm sorry for speaking the way I did to you in the car" I apologize

"Good I'm glad she's okay. It's no problem, I know how it gets under pressure. But you do know I'm going to have to ask you some questions now right?" He says what I know was coming so I agree. I bring him inside to the kitchen and grab us some water before I tell him all I know in the short amount of time before Scarlett comes down.

"I'm hoping she can help us piece together more information." I say at the end pointing to Scarlett who's walked downstairs now.

"I can help you? Okay with what?" She asks and sits at the kitchen counter where I'm sitting aswell.

"Have you ever heard of La Cogoule?" I say and her eyes widen.

"Y-yeah, not for almost 8 years though." She says and I can tell how shaky her voice is getting so I slip my hand into hers so she knows I'm right here.

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