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Y/ns  POV

"It's only two days my love" I say and try to stop Scarlett from pacing in the living room. I step in front of her and she huffs dramatically and falls backward into the giant blue sofa and lets the pillows engulf her.

"Two whole days away from me! What am I going to do with myself." She whines and I can't help but smile at how she's acting.

"You're going to work your perfect ass off and relax on the little in between time you have. Invite Maya over to stay. She's just as immature as me it will be like I'm not even gone." I joke with her and she lets out a laugh.

"Maybe" she says and I laugh again.

"I just need to meet with the head of this company, this could be a good opportunity for me." I say sitting down on the couch next to her.

"I know. Im just being selfish and needy." She says but I shake my head.

"No your not. Your just going to miss me. It'll be fine though. Two quick days. Only 2 sleeps without me. Hopefully." I say knowing my flight back is late so I'll get here after she's already asleep.

I had gotten a few calls and e-mails from the hedge funds guys. From how they explained it I would be doing legal work for the companies projects. Making sure they are getting the best deals and what pretty much sold me was that most of their work corresponds directly with unicef and the Red Cross so it's mostly all helping projects the company goes after.

It made me feel a bit better, like I was starting my journey to help people with my career. But that wasn't my only motive to go back to New York. I was finally picking up the ring from Sonia. I also made it my mission to get her parents permission for me to ask Scarlett to be my wife! Yep, Scarlett Johansson is soon going to be my WIFE. if she says yes. Ugh.

After a couple cuddles and lots of kisses she drops me off of at the small airport and I board the little plane on a flight to England, then a connecting flight from London to New York. It was the only thing I could find last minute and I didn't mind a four hour layover in London. Flo was actually there, in London, and she said she would spend some time with me since it would be like noon when I got there. It only took two hours to fly to London so I'm glad my legs didn't fall asleep and I can hop right off the plane. Since I'm only going home for two days I just brought a backpack of clothes and heels and a garment bag with two of my favorite suits. I stop at a coffee shop in the airport before I climb into a taxi and head to the address Flo gave me.

I climb out of the car and grab my things and head inside the cute apartment building that looks like it's out of Harry Potter. I knock on the door and it swings open to a smiling Flo with an apron around her waist and flour acros her cheek.

"Hellooo y/n!" She squeals and brings me into a hug.

"Hey Flo!" I say back being suffocated by her. She finally lets go and drags my bad to get couch.

"Sit sit relax. Call Scar and let her know your okay." She says pushing me on the couch.

"I texted her. She's working we planned to call when I get back in New York tonight." I tell her and she nods. She walks back into the kitchen to finish cooking whatever she was cooking.

"What's going on in New York?" She asks

"Job interview. A company hedge fund that works with unicef and red cross. They need a good legal team I'm hoping I could join them." I explain and see her face light up.

"That is so amazing y/n I'm happy you finally found something else." She says.

I nod appreciatively and smile a little thinking about my other reasons to go home.

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