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POV y/n
The rest of the night went well and after Rose went to bed I started seeing more and more alcohol coming out. I've been so good with my drinking and I haven't had a craving in a while. Normally after a panic attack that's something I need to have. And even if I don't have it, I usually crave it. But this time I don't. I don't crave the sweet burn of it or the tingly feeling I would feel. Now, I crave one thing and one thing only. My beautiful, radiant, literal goddess of a wife. I just want to see her, hear her, or feel her in any way possible. So sure, maybe I'm extra touchy right now but she and our guests don't seem to mind.

"Alright! Who's up for a little drinking games?" Chris announces and I see Scarlett glare at him hard and he looks a little confused but then it hits him.

"No it's fine. RDJ doesn't drink either so we can sip water." I say before Chris starts to feel bad.

"Okay, guys versus girls but y/n is with us since you already have 5. The game is flip cup. You church your drink the flip the cup. We have to go one extra and who ever flips their last cup first wins!" Chris explains and hands everyone red solo cups. They all pour the same amount of liquor in their cups while Robert, Scarlett and I fill ours with water. Chris has two cups since he will drink double and we all line up behind the dining room table. I pout a little that I have to let go of Scarlett but Flo and Lizzie's teasing brings out the competitor in me. The girls are all on one side while we are across from them on the other side. I'm standing infront of Scarlett who's giving me funny faces and her best stink eye. It's adorable seeing her get so into it and it makes my mind forget about what happened earlier and focus on what's happening right now.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Evans asks everyone and everyone either nods or shouts yes.

"3,2,1.....go!" Evans shouts and Robert chugs his water while Flo chugs her cup and they both try to flip it on the table. Flo flips it perfectly the first time and now Brie drinks.

"Cmon!" I yell at Robert who laughs but finally lands the cups.

"There you go. Drink!" He yells at Robbie who chugs his drink while Brie is flipping her cup. Brie lands it and Susan goes to chug. Robbie chugs and lands his cup on the first try making Chris have to go for the first time. Susan is struggling with the flipping part and the more the girls encourage and yell at her the more she laughs.

"See! That's why your on their team" Robert teases his wife who lands the cup as soon as he opens his mouth and she shoves her tongue at him. Luckily Chris lands his cup too and it's now mine and Scarlett's turn. We both grab the cup and chug the water not taking our eyes off of each other. It's hard not to laugh and really hard to keep all the water in my mouth as I feel some dribble out and down the sides. Scarlett laughs at this which makes me smile, almost choking. We both finish the cup at the same time and start flipping. My first flip lands perfectly but falls off the table so I have to go again. Scarlett misses the first couple tries but we both land it one after another, forcing the next opponent to go.

Chris goes a second time and Lizzie is last to go for the girls. They both chug their drinks and Lizzie gags at the end which makes me laugh out loud.

"Shut your mouth y/n!" Lizzie teases across the table at me while she concentrates trying to flip her cup.

Chris flips his cup but it keeps just fall over and not staying on the table. I see Lizzie's cup flip through the air and just know that one is going to land. Once it lands and stays on the table Chris gets his cup to land too but it's too late. The girls won, and we all saw Lizzies cup land first.

The girls are hug and jump around celebrating their victory but I hear cries coming from the other side of the room where Lizzie and Robbie set up Penelope's travel bassinet.

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