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Scarletts POV
it's Friday, and I got off set early so I thought I'd surprise y/n and Flo with dinner since we have nothing to do tonight. I grabbed everything from the market and am now in my kitchen dancing along to Taylor Swift and cooking a delicious spaghetti bolognese.

"Hey Scar!" Flo walks in the front door all bubbly.

"Hey Flo! Hungry?"

"Yesss ugh!" She says plopping herself at the kitchen island. I slide her a glass of wine and she takes a sip moaning at it.

"Food will be ready soon." I say "did y/n follow you here?"

"I left her office about 4pm. We had a meeting with her and John and a gorgeous blonde lady named Olivia." She says and I'm curious if it's the same woman me and Lizzie saw talking to y/n outside her building.

"So she should be home soon too" I say and start plating the food.

Flo and I talk for a little bit the food is getting cold and I don't want to make Flo wait to eat so we sit down at the table without y/n and start eating. 20 minutes AFTER we're done eating y/n walks through the door.

"Hey" she says slipping off her shoes and going into the kitchen right away making herself a plate. She sits down at the table we are sitting at talking and shovels food in her mouth. Flo and I are just staring at her, I want to ask her where she's been or why she got here so much later than Flo when there coming from the same place but I don't want to cause a fight especially infront of Flo.

"How was your day" y/n asks us and I say "tiring but I got off early so I wanted to cook us something.

"Thanks for this baby, it's delicious" y/'n replies.

"And you know I was with you today" Flo says to which y/n nods. "So is Olivia single?" Flo asks

"Um I'm not sure why?" Y/n asks

"She's smoking! Maybe I could get her number and take her out" Flo says which makes me laugh

"Didn't know you were into girls?" I ask flo

"I don't discriminate" she says laughing.

I grab our plates, including y/ns since she's finished and then I watch as y/n opens the liquor cabinet and pours herself an Old Fashion.

"Do you have to drink? I wanted to go out for ice cream maybe?" I ask y/n

"Just one babe. You can drive right?" She asks

"I guess" I say and glance at Flo who is looking worriedly at y/n.

I do the dishes and Flo comes in the kitchen to help and she keeps glancing at y/n sitting at the kitchen table staring into space as she drinks.

"You think she's okay?" I ask her to which Flo shakes her head yes rapidly but I know that is Flos way for saying yea when she's anxious. And for her to be anxious means something else is going on right?

Well it's a few hours later and we didn't get to go get ice cream. Why you may ask? Because y/ns one drink turned to five and she's passed out on the couch currently. I'm sat in the backyard, far away from y/n and I can't help but think about the what ifs.

What if y/n is self medicating and this drinking will turn to drugs again.

What if she starts to drink like this every day

What if she starts coming home drunk and forces me to do things with her, like Colin did.

What if this marriage turns into the one she helped me escape?

I can't hold back the tears any longer and they flow freely out of my eyes. I let myself cry a little before I hear footsteps and quickly wipe my tears away.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now