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The blacked out truck pulls in through the gates and right before I get out I remember, people are at the house. Lizzie was watching Rose for us and I don't think I could wait until tonight when Rose is asleep to touch Scarlett. Should I get them to leave or should we leave? "Wait" i call out to Scar, stopping her from opening the door. "Yeah?"
"There's a little human and a scary human in the house, let's just go to my truck and I'll think of something." I say and she nods stepping out of the car on the back side so we get out behind the car. I thank the driver and when he pulls away we follow along the side until we are near the garage and can sneak in through the door. I quickly unlock the door and we run into the garage and I unlock the truck, not realizing the beep it makes. "Quick get in" I yell and scar hops in closing the door lightly right before Lizzie opens the garage door. "Hi Liz" I say quickly standing in front of the truck.
"What the hell y/n! When did you get here and why are you in the garage?" She asks.

"I got dropped off a minute ago to pick up my truck. Scar got stuck at the shooting studio when she saw Florence!" I make up out of my ass but I know Flo is suppose to fly in soon. I hope it was today. "So I'm gonna pick her up in my truck...how's Rose?" I ask trying to change the subject

"She's fine. We're watching a movie and she's probably knocked out by now." She says still looking at my like she's trying to read me. I see her glance at the truck a couple times, but it's fully tinted no way she can see in there.

"Perfect so I'll just go pick Scarlett up and then be back. 30 minutes maybe 40." I say giving her a shy smile.

"Take your time, your stuck with me all night." She says and I laugh "you got it Liz, but your cooking dinner" I yell about to open my door.

"Fine but pick up some Red wine please" she yells back and closes the door. I open my car door to see Scarlett pushed up against the seat sat as still as possible. I start laughing when I see her and she releases a breath and looks at me smiling.

"You took forever!" She whined
"I had to make up a stupid story! But I bought us at least 40 minutes." I say and turn the truck on hearing it roar to life.
She slides her hand onto my thigh towards the middle slowly and then up towards my core. "Find a secluded spot" she says and then leans closer to me and nibble son my ear. I throw the car in drive once the doors are up and hold my right hand in front of her body so when I take off she won't go flying. I hit the gas and she grips my thigh tighter as I pull out of my driveway. It's really hard to think of where to go when she's kissing along over my neck but then I remember the parking garage at Luther's which I still have access too. It's only 10 minutes away so I step on the gas which makes Scarlett fall back into the seat and she laughs.
"That's right. Hurry up baby, I'm getting impatient." And she reaches forward and cups my pussy putting pressure through my pants and I grind down a little into her hand the best I can. I finally see the Luther's sign up ahead and put my blinker on to turn left into the parking garage. I roll my window down and swipe my car seeing the light turn green and the gate come up to let my through. I roll my window back up and race around the spiral roadway to the second from the top tier. I park facing outward, so we can see anyone coming, and in the back corner. I turn and look at Scarlett who has her lip between her teeth. "Get in the back" she says and I gulp at her tone. It's a little harsh but I'm sure it's just the hormones. I climb in the back seat and admire it for a second. I've never even sat back here but it's very spacious and comfortable. No wonder Rose always falls asleep. Shit, focus y/n.

Scar climbs over the center console into the back with me and straddles my lap right away. She reaches back into the front seat and grabs her purse putting it inbetween us on my stomach. She reaches in an pull out a small purple vibrator.
"Since when do you just carry this around" I quirk an eyebrow at her
"I hid it in here with lipstick when I was unpacking from Greece and Rose walked in" she says shyly but then she switches the vibrator on and her eyes turn black again. She places the vibrator under her dress on her own core and throws her head back when it touches. "Your so sexy" I mumble to myself but when she snaps her head back to me with a wide smile I know she hears me. She grabs my hand and switch's hers with mine to hold the vibrator on her. I push a little harder adding pressure and I squeeze her boob from outside her dress and she lets out a hot moan. She unbuckles my pants fast and unbuttons them and pulls them down with a little help from me. She grabs the vibrator back once they are off and rips it from my hand.
That's fine, I have fingers.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now