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Scarlett's POV
I woke up this morning to y/n cuddling with me. Drawing shapes on my arms and playing with my hair with the other. I open my eyes seeing her already on me.
"How long have you been up?" I ask her
"Not long" she says her voice still raspy so I know she's not lying.
"What do you want to do today?" She asks me
"Beach?" I ask and I feel her nod on my chest. "Tonight is Robbie's concert, are we gonna go?" She asks.
"Yep. I hired a nanny for Rose, I've used the company before so I trust them" I say and feel her nod again. Y/n is the type of person who wants to know a rough schedule throughout the day because I usually forget about something and she never forgets. So she usually reminds me if we haven't done something one of us said we wanted to do and I love that her mind works like that.
"Cool I have a dope outfit" she says and I crack up
"Dope?" I ask and she shrugs
"Rose said it, I was trying it out." She laughs.
"Yeah let the kids stick to saying that" I say and she rolls her eyes.
"I'm only 24 scar" she whines
"Almost 25!" I sing to her and she rolls her eyes again.
"Don't remind Me" she says "you don't like birthdays?" I ask her.
"I don't. Just another day." She says and my heart brakes for her. I'll just have to make her birthday worth it this year. It's a couple days before school goes back so I'll make sure me and rose plan something big!
We both roll out of bed and the little princess next door is still asleep. But I smell muffins so I bet Lizzie is awake. Y/n wraps her arms around my shoulders from behind and we awkwardly walk down the stairs which makes me laugh. We get into the kitchen area to see the chef in her glory whisking something in a bowl.
"Morning" I say and y/n just laughs next to me.
"Hey guys" Lizzie says looking up from her bowl.
"How long have you been awake Betty Crocker?" Y/n teases her.
"5. Robbie left to meet the band on the mainland. They are going to grab food then rehearse then probably more food before we meet them at the show." She says
"What times the show start?" Y/n asks
"630" Lizzie replies and open the oven checking on whatevers in there
"We can ride over with you?" I ask and she nods yes.
She pulls out what was in the oven and it smells amazing. It looks like a baked something with raspberries and a crumble on top.
"Yassss Betty" y/n hoots and I laugh when Lizzie rolls her eyes. Y/n takes a fork from the drawer and tries to stick it in the dish but Lizzie grabs her hand and twists it so it's behind her back like a cop is arresting her.
"Don't you dare touch it yet" she says through gritted teeth. I loved them around each other because y/n really lets loose and loveds to annoy the crap out of Liz. A really big sis little sis bond between them, and I hope it shows y/n more than just myself loves her.

Y/n break free of Lizzie's hold and runs around the kitchen and I see Rose coming down the stairs confused as to what's going on. Lizzie corners y/n and holds the fork pointing at her. Y/ns hands are raised in surrender and I giggle at their antics.
"Hey!" Rose shouts from the bottom step. Lizzie turns to look at who yelled that and smiles when she's sees rose.
"Ahh the princess has finally awoken from her slumber. Good! I can have you for breakfast as well!" Lizzie jokes and laughs like an evil villain.
Lizzie turns back to face y/n and shouts "let me just eat this one first!" While moving closer to y/n
Rose jumps off the last step and runs in front of Lizzie with her hands up.
"Don't hurt my mama!" She yells and Lizzie freezes and drops the fork. Her evil grin turns into a soft loving look. Lizzie glances at me for a second while I give her a wink and then turns back to Rose and y/n.
"Y-your y-your mama!?" She repeats questioning Rose. I see y/n turn a little pink but the smile that spreads through her face is something right out of a movie. It even sparkles when she tilts her head. She's so proud.
"Yes my mama. And if you hurt her, you won't be aunt Lizzie anymore." Rose says with her hands on her hips.
Lizzie sniffles a second but then gets back into charecter. "Fine fine fine! I much rather be your aunt Lizzie than an evil, human eating, creature anyway!" Lizzie says huffing and walking away. She walks right up to me and pulls me into a hug.
"I'm so happy for you and your little family" she whisper into my ear and I just squeeze her tighter unable to speak, afraid I might cry.

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