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*time skip to December*
Y/ns POV

Y'all I'm getting married in almost two weeks!!!!! I can't believe it's happening. The land looks crazy!! There's construction going on everywhere pretty much. But Scarlett is beaming with joy and I'm finally seeing the project come together. Tomorrow night the girls are taking Scarlett out for her bachelorette party. I'm excited to see Scar drunk again. It's been a while since we've been out in that way. My job got busy and her job is getting busier and busier.

Right now I'm at the grocery store stocking up on snacks for me and Rosie since we are going to have a movie night while Scarlett goes out. Lizzie has begged me for two weeks now to let her throw me a bachelorette party, claiming it's her duty as matron of honor but I don't really want to get drunk and sloppy and have a stripper all over me.

Oh yeah, we asked Kate and Lizzie to be our matron of honors. Scar got these cute personalized boxes made for them with cups and glasses and so many accessories saying matron of honor. Kate was thrilled and said her speech is going to be the best. And Lizzie cried, of course.

Back to grocery shopping. I round the corner of an aisle and bump my cart straight into someone else's.

"Sorry! Didn't see you there." I say looking up and meet eyes with the one and only Hayley Bieber.

"I should ask if you have insurance cause I doubt mine will cover this accident." She laughs then recongnizes me. "Oh my god y/n!? How are you doing!!" She says excited.

"Hey Hails I'm good. How are you doing?" I ask politely. Hailey was one of Lilly's friends from when I was younger and modeling. They were together for a whole summer one year but then fell out of touch when Lilly went back home.

"Good good. Hey I'm sorry about Lilly. I tried to go to the funeral but I was in contract in Italy and couldn't get out of it." She explains with a sorry face

"I get it. No worries" I smile

"I was shocked hearing about it. How are you doing?" She asks.

"Im fine" I say. It's what I've been saying to everyone since the day it happened. But for the first time I actually mean it. I feel a lot lighter and I know they are all watching down on me.

"That's good to hear" she says smiling. She grabs the can of tomatos next to where I'm standing and turns to look at me. "Im really sorry y/n. She was a great soul" she says and wraps me in a hug. I don't really hug back but I put one arm around her and pat her back a few times before I say "yep" and pull away.

"Well it was nice seeing you. But I have to get back to my list or else I'll be here all day" I say quickly grabbing my cart and skillet walking down the aisle as I talk to her.

"Nice seeing You too y/n. See you around" she says smiling.

I hope I didn't come off rude but I'm sure she understands. I mean no one likes to talk about a death they've been through especially when it's still fresh. After checking out at the register,  the drive home is smooth. I pull up the long driveway and into the garage and park my truck.  I carry the groceries inside and put them away. I make sure I hide the candy and chocolate so Scarlett won't lecture me. I also hide the new coloring books because if Rose sees them when she gets home she will want to do them right away. After hiding everything I sit down in my office answering some emails. I've taken the next 4 weeks off after today. Two weeks leading up to the wedding and two weeks after.

Since Rose will be with her dad for a week during Christmas Scarlett suggested we take our honey moon then. Romain agreed to take rose the week after Christmas so we had her here for the wedding. I actually wanted to invite Romain to the wedding because he's been nothing but nice and supportive but Scarlett threatened no sex for the week of our honeymoon if I did that so I threw that thought out the door.

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