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Y/ns POV

We've been in Spain for two weeks. It's lovely sometimes but it's honestly kind of lonely. Scarlett has been working like crazy. She comes home every night and even if it's late or early we always atleast talk about the day. Which mostly consists of me listening to what she filmed and her asking if I left the house.

It's not that I don't want to leave but I have no desire to leave. I visit Scarlett on set sometimes but otherwise I rather wallow in my self pity. For what reason? I have no clue.

"Hey babe" I hear pulling me from my thoughts. I feel her kiss the side of my head and I roll over from my stomach to my back on the lawn chair in the back yard.

"Did you fall asleep in the sun again?" She says eyeing me up and down.

"Almost but I moved under the umbrella before I fell asleep" I say giggling. She knows me well.
"What're you doing home?" I ask curiously. I thought she had a late shoot today.

"Wes had a thing so he gave us the night off." She says her hand now on my thigh.

"That's good. Want to have a relaxing night? I'll make you a bath and cook for you." I say sitting up a little more.

"Eh as nice as that sounds, I was thinking of something a little different." She says leaning closer to me. Her hand sliding to the middle of the thigh creeping inwards.

"Like what?" I ask and open my legs a little, silently asking her to move closer to where I suddenly feel the need to feel her the most.

"Some of the cast is going to a club. I think it'll be fun" she say excitedly. I see the happiness spread across her face.

"I think so too babe. Let's go" I say fully sitting up and her hand fully slides to cup my center. I think it was just the position I was in when I sat up, she didn't even expect her hand to be there cause when I let out a moan she gasped in surprised.

"Let me take care of you before we go get ready" she whispers in my ear now being that close.

"I will never say no to you" I say and she looks into my eyes I feel my heart beating out of my chest. She goes to straddle me but I hike her sun dress up over her ass so she sits and it's not in the way. I tuck the front of the bottom of her dress in her bra and she laughs at my innovativeness. I see her light pink thong sitting right on top of my lower stomach. She slowly unties the sides of the bottom of my bathing suit. When she grinds her hip downward and back so scoot off she rubs right over my clit and I have to bite my lip to stifle a moan.

She slowly backs up on the chair on her knees and pull my legs up and over her shoulders. She laying flat on her stomach now with her head between my legs and leaving kisses on the inside of my thighs.

"Babyyy" I whine and push my hips up at her but she moves her head back so I don't make any contact with her.

"Be a good girl and stay still" she moans and she's so close to my center I can almost feel the vibration against my lips. She finally takes the plunge and dives deep into my folds. Her tongue swirling and flickering in all the right spots.

"Oh fuck" I moan out when she closes her lips around my clit and sucks. I am embarrassingly close to cumming but I can't help how turned on she makes me. She sucks down my Pussy and when she gets to my entrance she sticks her tongue straight in and it's heavenly. My legs lock straight and my toes start to curl as she plunges her tongue in and out and her strong muscle continues to flick over every sensitive bud.

"Scarlett don't fucking stop" I moan out completely unaware of what I'm even saying. She continues to plunge her tongue in and when she brings her hand around to rub my clit I feel like I'm going to melt through the chair. She rubs small tight circles on my clit and only a couple stroke later I'm a complete mess.

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