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Scarlett's POV
"We don't have to do this now you know? I know you want to be there for me and involved with the process as much as possible and I leave in two days." I say to y/n as we are walking toward the front door of the clinic.

"Baby we can do this. You've been with me from my procedure and im here now for yours. All that's left after that is the pregnancy test in 14 days and we can FaceTime while you take the test. I want to do this today so we can stop worrying about when is the next time we will be able to get here" she says back and I know she's right. We've been waiting almost two weeks for the embryo to be ready on top of taking shots and tracking my period and now that it finally is here she's excited! I'm excited! I just wish I didn't have to fly out to Australia ina couple days and I won't be with her to take the pregnancy test. Yea, I guess the hormone shots are working because I'm getting worked up for no reason.

"You're right. Let's do this" I say as she opens the door letting me in first and y/n follows right behind. We sign in and sit down near the door waiting to be called.

"Scarlett y/ln" I hear and jump up with y/n to be lead inside. We used her maiden name because it's less obvious it's me then but that's just for sign in paperwork. Our child will have Johansson as their last name, since y/n has that as her legal last name now too we won't have to worry about any confusion.

I follow the nurse with y/n by my side holding my hand to a patient room and I sit on top of the taller lounge type chair. Y/n plays with the stirrups like every time she's here and it always makes me laugh. She knows how to keep my nerves calm just by being herself.

"Hi guys" Dr Deluca comes in with a big smile on her face. She uses hand sanitizer and then hugs us both. We've both grown to love this woman, who keeps us both calm through the many procedures we've done together and always seems unbothered when I called her at 3 am complaining of this bruise looked normal or if I should be feeling this and that. She's really been so comforting and helpful since even though I was pregnant before this whole process is so different than a man and woman having a child.

"Would you like to see your babies?" The doctor smiles at us and I see y/ns huge smile get even bigger the closer she gets to the small glass container.

"That's them?" Y/n asks looking at the liquid substance

"Yep, 5 total in there. I have enough frozen for 2 more rounds if needed. They looked marvelous under the scope and they are ready to get into her cervix" she says and y/n makes a face of disgust.

"Babe! Look happy please" I laugh at her

"Sorry I am! Just when you say it like that" she says and dr Deluca and I laugh.

"Scarlett take off your clothes from the waist down behind that door and then sit up there." The doctor says handing me a gown and I go and get changed. After I come back and sit down ass naked on the chair, feeling the crinkly paper sticking to my ass cheeks y/n steps next to me.

"Okay feet up here. Don't worry I'll keep you covered" dr Deluca says holding the gown in place while I put my feet on the stirrups. Y/n grabs my hand and leans closer kissing my cheek.

"I'm right here my love." She whispers to me calming me enough to relax on the chair.

"Cheers to your first try! Ready?" Dr Deluca says holding the skinny catheter syringe up full of the embryos. I look over to y/n who has this gorgeous smile on her face as she looks back at me with the most loving caring look.

"Per sempre?" She says to me

"Forever" I say back and see Dr. Deluca with a loving smile on her face and I give her a nod. "We're ready"

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