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Scarletts POV

I make it past security and luckily thers a lounge before my flight so i head into it and grab a coffee. I didnt think it was going to be this hard to leave this time. Im an actress so its my job to be away but its really hitting me hard. I wish i could only work in NY and make life easier but i cant, but i know i have a great team ive built around me and now with y/n, ill be even more solid.

I hear my phone go off and grab it out of my purse to see y/n texted me.

y/n: I miss you already. waiting for your plane to move before i leave <3

*Insert picture of plane at gate*

She so cute

me: I miss you more. we are boarding now. call you when i land <3

I quickly grab my purse and coffee as i hear my gate boarding over the loudspeaker. I shuffle down the hallway leading to the plane and get to my seat in buisness class. Its spacious but not as high end as first class, but its only a 3 hour flight so its really not a problem. We finally take off after taxiing for 20 minutes and the flight attendent brings around some snacks and drinks. I immediatley remember the flight with y/n and our love for pancakes and oragne juice so i had to order an orange juice but just opted for some pretzels as a snack.

Couple hours pass and i feel the plane start to decend as well as the fasten seatbelt signs turn on. I make it off the plane and im grateful marvel send someone to get your bags and sends you a driver. I see my fake name on a carboard box sign 'Ingrid Johnson' I laugh at that and snap a picture to send to y/n. As soon as im in the car i open my phone up to message her.

me: Hey! made it safe and sound, look how they picked me up. *Insert pic*

i dont get a reply back right away but thats okay shes probably busy. I get dropped of infront of the production building and as soon as i walk in i see Evans and RDJ. i walk past them only saying "Hey Evans" and keep walking.

"No hi for me?" Robert says and i look him up and down and roll my eyes.

"So i guess this is about the last time we saw eachother." he says laughing and i feel my anger bulding up in me.

"How dare you? Its one thing if you want to be a cheater, but to egg on my girlfriend? Thats just low, even for you." I say fired up pointing my finger in his face.

"Hey i did it for a reason. I was testing her. good news for you! She passed!" he says like he solved world hunger

"Is that why you invited me to that bar and told me to hurry? Did you want me to see her rejecting someone or maybe see her making out with someone?" I ask annoyed

"Im just looking out for you." He says and I scoff

"I dont need your help Robert. Did you even know y/n hurt herself on the bike leaving that bar because she saved a kid from getting hit. Ofcourse you had to of known becuase the video was circling everywhere. but did you even text me or her to see if she was okay? Evans did. Lizzie even sent flowers. But nothing from Mr. Big Shot RDJ. She was your damn lawyer Robert!" I shout having enough of this and walking away.

"Ill make it up to you!" he shouts after me but i turn around and shout back "Dont make it up to me, make it up to her!" i say and go and find my trailer.

y/n POV

I watched Scars plane until it took off and eventually headed back to my house. I walked inside to get changed for work but was met by an empty, quiet house. Remnants of breakfast still on the counter, Mr.Mauve sitting on the couch, it doesnt even feel like home anymore. Is it because Rose and Scarlett arent here?

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