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Y/ns POV
"You didn't even care. I tried to be friends, I tried to even amend our relationship so we could be a family before I'm gone."

"You didn't want that. Anytime you spoke to me you attacked me. Came at me for stupid reasons after all I did for you"

"No it was you. You didn't care. You let your sister die. You let your parents die. OUR parents."

I look up into Lilly's eyes and feel my throat starting to hurt from holding the tears back.

"I love you Lilly. I was trying to help you. You didn't want my help"

"I didn't want your help because you don't really want to help. You want me to be normal and conserved and quiet so I can live a normal boring life so you can have nothing to do with me. Right that's why you left me with dad and mom, doing more and more shoots. For the money? No you hated me. That's why!"

"I didn't. I loved you! I love yo—

I jolt awake grabbing my chest feeling like it's beating out of it. Fuck that was just a dream? Why now? Of course when I'm suppose to be the happiest she comes to haunt me in my dreams. I didn't even have nightmares when it was my parents anniversary. We obviously did not go to the gala because I was not ready to hear all the 'sorry for your loss' again and scar knew that so she didn't push me to go. But Scarlett made lasagna that night and it was my moms favorite meal to make. She knew that. So that simple subtle meal meant the world to me.

Im pulled out of my thoughts to the sounds of birds chirping and I can smell sweet delicious bread being baked. It's a heavenly aroma, almost better than the smell of brownies being baked but not quite. I feel the bed shift behind me and turn over to see a sleeping Scarlett and her silky hair spread out all over the pillow. The blanket is tucked up all the way to her chin and she looks peaceful, content. I stroke her hair with my fingers feeling her smooth skin and hair run through my fingers, it makes me emotional and I have no idea why. Maybe because I just want to protect her and make her the happiest she can be but I don't think I know how to do that.

Let's be honest, I've been winging this whole thing. I'm lucky I got her to fall for me, and I can't help but think about the day when she realizes I'm still a mess. I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen.

I decide to get out of bed and shower so I can wake scar up and we can get the day started. So after my shower I dress in just a pretty thong and matching bra and climb onto of Scarlett straddling her.

"Baabbyyy" I whisper and kiss her cheek. Her lips curl up at my touch and makes me happy. She knows it's me just by my touch.

"Let's wake up and go explore this amazing city" I whisper again and kiss her other cheek. She pops open one eye and then wraps her arms around me. When she feels my skin both eyes open and she looks me up and down with a smirk.

"Let's just stay right here, all day" she says and slowly brings her fingers under my bra and lifts it, but I stop her and pull back.

"Aht aht aht, food first, you need to refuel so I can have my way with you later" I say and she bites her lip.

I stand up and hold my hand out for her to help her out of bed and when she stands I wrap my hands around her waist and pull her close. She rests her head on my shoulder and her hands sneak around my back under my arms. I hold her close hugging her for a couple minutes, cherishing her soft lucious skin and lavender scent. She pulls away a little and tilts her head up to me pushing her lips out asking for a kiss. I smile and lean in pushing my lips to hers in a soft kiss. I am so in love with the way my lips feel against hers. The only feeling in the world that can make my heart calm in an instant. When she pulls away I flutter my eyes open and see the adorning look in her eyes.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now