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Scarlett's POV
I wake up early, the suns not up yet so I know it's early. But today is y/ns birthday!! She confessed to me that the reason she hated her birthday was that she shared it with her dad. He wasn't here anymore to celebrate with so she stopped celebrating and started hating it. She asked me to do nothing for it and don't even mention it, but you know I can't do that. She deserves to be celebrated. But I'm going to do something low key and not too overwhelming so I hope she doesn't get too mad. But first, breakfast. Living with her all this time you get to know a person, and one thing about her is that she usually doesn't eat breakfast. She always cooks a breakfast for rose and I but she will just drink her coffee maybe have a toast. That is unless there are muffins around! She crumbles at the sight of any muffin, especially blueberry crumb. And who makes the best muffins besides her? That's right, Lizzie!

I tiptoe to her bedroom once I sneak myself out of bed and open her door. Her room is freezing and pitch black. I use my phone as a light and make my way to her bed. Right before I go to touch the lump in the bed I quickly shine my phone by the head and jump when I see it's Robbie. That could've been bad. I tip top to the other side of the bed and since I know it's Lizzie I gently feel out and shake her. "Mmm" she murmers. "Lizzie, wake up" I whisper and shake her gently again. She rolled abruptly leaning on her arms and nearly yells "I didn't steal the banana!"
What was she dreaming about?

"Really. Get up and help me." I whisper and pull her to sit up. She sits up rubbing the sleep from her eyes and looks at her clock.

"It's 6am. Why are you waking me up?" She whisper shouts flailing an arm.

I roll my eyes pulling her to stand and walk her out of her room so we don't disturb Robbie. Once we're in the hall I turn to her and say "help me make y/n muffins." She groans dropping her head back.

"We don't celebrate her birthday." She says.

"I know. But I can't not do anything. She doesn't eat breakfast unless it's muffins. I'm taking her on a hike and she needs fuel. Please Lizzie" I beg and she smirks.

"Fine. Your lucky I love you both." She says and we head downstairs to make them.

After an hour and a half of Lizzie yelling at me and bossing me around the muffins are finally done. She sat there the entire time making me do everything until I messed the crumble up, twice. Then she finally stepped in, but I must say they look great.

"Thanks Lizzie, like you said we're not celebrating her birthday so don't say these are birthday muffins okay?" I ask her and she nods.

"I'm taking Rose for a girls morning right? And we meet for pizza at 2?" She ask and now I nod.

"Yep, did I mention your the best?" I tease

"No but I wouldn't mind hearing it from you" she teases me back

"Your the best Lizzie." I say and give her a tight squeeze before running upstairs to wake the birthday girl. I creep into the bedroom and see her snuggles up to Rose. She's snuck in here every night since we've been here and y/n once again never complains. She even put a shirt on me while I was asleep so rose could get into bed. I climb into bed so she's in the middle of me and rose and I brush some hair out of her face before I kiss her temple. Then kiss her cheek and then the corner of her lips which make them twitch up in a smile. I kiss her lips but she doesn't respond so I kiss them again and feel her left arm snake around my waist.

"Baby?" She asks in her sexy morning voice.

"Hi my love. I wanted to go for a hike want to come?" I ask already knowing her answer.

"Sure but cuddle for 5 minutes?" She  asks

"Hell yeah" I giggle. I've trained her well.

I feel rose shift next to her and her little head pops up showing her crazy messy hair. She moves closer and puts her head on y/ns chest and y/n pulls her closer, wrapping her tightly in her arm. I didn't tell Rose about y/ns birthday because she really didn't want to celebrate it and it's hard to explain that to a 7 year old. So luckily I won't have to worry about her shouting at her or anything.

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