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Y/ns POV
Todays the day. The day we officially become Californians. Technically none of us will be there before next week but any things we are shipping from the house in NY to California will be going today. Scarlett's been busy the last two weeks with the Outset. They are going to open a branch in LA but for now everything will be done over video call which is going to be annoying for her.
The Marachellis are fine with me moving. I'll have to fly back for certain meetings or events but I can do my work from pretty much anywhere, and that I'm grateful for.

Rose seemed to like the school when we visited it when we were there. She agreed to attend and we could always discuss other options if she didn't like it. I am on my way now that the movers left, to see Anna. We've obviously been distant since I left but she's like the cool aunt I never had and I can't leave without saying goodbye. What better way than our old favorite lunch from Cesars consisting of  greasy burgers and tiramisu. I head up the elevator to the once familiar office. The doors open and I'm met with Billie at the front desk.
"Hey Billie, promotion or demotion?" I ask remembering she was a law intern before.

"Very funny ex boss. Alyssa's on maternity leave. You're here to see Anna right?" She asks all professional and I have to hold back a laugh.

"Jeez bil ,  corporate life really got to you huh?" I tease.

She looks up and rolls her eyes before cracking a smile "sorry I can't shut my phone voice off sometimes." She laughs and it makes me laugh.

"It's okay it's adorable. Yes I'm here to see Anna" I say holding up the bags of lunch I'm holding.

"Her client just left so noones in there." She says and nods toward the office doors. I walk up to the doors and open them seeing AnnaS head snap toward the door.

"I should've known it was you, you never knock" she says pulling the glasses off her face and putting them on the desk before she stand to meet me in the center of the room.  "Old habits never die" I laugh as she takes the bags from me. We sit down at her round table to eat and the conversation starts flowing.
"I know! And when I went to the supermarket. There he was again!" Anna laughs as she tells me about the guy she's seeing.

"Three times in one day is fate." I giggle.

"That's what I'm saying! So we've been on a few dates since then  and he's a gentleman."

"That's good Anna I'm happy for you!" Finally gonna beat your sister and maybe even get married" I tease and she laughs

"Please she's dying for me to marry him already. It's been 3 months!" She laughs. I'm interrupted when my phone rings and I glance at it. I don't recognize the caller ID but I'm not gonna not answer it. I glance and Anna and say sorry and she nods for me to take it while stuffing her face with her burger.


"Hello is this y/n y/ln?"

"Yes can I ask who's calling?"

"This is Dr. Harvey calling from New York Presbyterian. Could you come in?"

"Sorry regarding what?"

"Your sister, Lilly y/ln. she's been admitted and her doctor, Jeff Cambridge asked me to call you."

"I'll be right there"

Shit. If Jeff is asking me to come there it can't be good. I hang up the phone and barley muster up an 'I gotta go' before running out of Anna's office into the elevator. I quickly text Scarlett to let her know where I'm going and I jump in my car and head to the hospital. I walk in through the emergency room doors and straight up to the desk.

"Lilly y/ln." I say and see the nurse type something in the computer. She's chewing her gum so loudly I want to rip it out of her mouth. She continues typing on the keyboard and I grow frustrated. I slam my hand on the counter and yell "Lilly y/ln. it's not that hard"

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