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Y/ns POV

We stumble up the main stairs of her building into the elevator. She pulls me close to her after hitting the 9th floor button.

"God, I've missed you so much." She says and leans in closer to peck my lips a couple times

"I missed you more. You have no idea."l I moan out into her lips. I love the way she tastes.

We get interrupted by the ding of the elevator bell. That was fast. She pulls me out the elevator down the hall to a door. She fumbles with the keys a little while I wrap my hands around her waist and kiss her neck from behind.

"Can y-you hold on a min I can't c-concentrate." She stumbles out and I pull my lips away from her neck to let her unlock the door

When we finally get inside she slams me NA knagainst the door closing it.

"You love to close the door with my body don't you ?" I chuckle a little

"With a body like that, how could I not?" She says back in a low raspy voice. She kisses me hard and walks me back leading me to the kitchen. I haven't seen this apartment at all and it almost killed me knowing she got this and isn't still in a hotel room. That means she won't be coming back to mine. I shake that thought and pull away and look around.

"Cute place" I say with a smirk

"Kitchen, living room, bathroom it has it all" she says back kissing my lips again.

"Everything you need. Right here" I say back quickly kissing her lips again.

"Bedrooms upstairs" she rasps out and I take it as an opportunity to get up there. I throw her over my shoulder and she squeals. When I get to the top of the stairs I ask "left or right" and she says right and I open the only door on that side.

Plain simple bedroom. Still some boxes in the corner but the bed is made with a beautiful lilac color sheets and bedspread with white pillows. It's pretty. I lay her gently on the bed and take off my sweater and pants so I'm just in the bathing suit from the show.

I slowly sit her up on the edge of the bed and just stare into her beautiful green eyes.

"As much as I love seeing you without clothes on, you look so fucking beautiful right now, fully clothed." I say while gripping her cheeks

"I am so damn sorry for everything I put you through, I will spend my whole life making it up to you." I say again and she give me the warmest smile ever. She takes the lead now and stands up and spins me around so I'm sitting on the bed now. She slowly takes off her dress letting it fall to her feet. She has no bra on and just a cream colored pair of pantries to match her dress

She stands there almost fully naked in front of me and I can't take my eyes away from her eyes.

"Wow." I say still lookin at her eyes.
"You haven't even looked yet" she laughs

"I don't need to look to see your beauty I know you look amazing. But your real beauty is in your eyes." I say while looking up at her

She doesn't say anything but jumps on top of me and crashes her lips with mine. The taste of cherry and tequila invades my mouth and as she pull my lip between my teeth I can't stop the moan that escapes. She straddles my lap and the second she pushes her hips onto my core I flip her over and grind into her more

"Mmm fuck I need you." She whisper between our kisses.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I ask with my hand on her panties.

She nods frantically with eyes closed and her lip trapped between her own teeth

"I need words baby" I say lowly while sucking a nice Hickey on her lower stomach

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