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Lizzies POV
Walking into y/n and Scars house I didn't know what to expect. Robert flew with me obviously so when we walked in and saw y/n up and making breakfast with upbeat music blasting through the house, at 6am I didn't know what to think.

"Y/n!" I try to yell but she can't hear me over the music. Then Robert walked into the kitchen touching y/n and she spun around seeing us. She lowered the music and spoke cheerfully. "Hey guys! I'm making breakfast whatcha want?"

Robert just looks at me and I stare back at him. Robert says "coffee" while I head upstairs to find Scarlett. I walk into the bedroom but she's not there. I walk into roses room and find her cuddled in roses bed. Rose isn't with her so she must be with Romain. I sit on the edge of the bed to wake Scarlett. "Hey scar, it's me" I shake her and she opens one eye. She sees it's me and sits up fully.

"Hi is she home" she asks

"Um yeah? Making breakfast. She didn't come home?" I ask

"No. I waited all night and I couldn't sleep in our bed without her, so I came in here to cuddle some of roses toys." She says sleepily rubbing her eyes.

"She called me an hour after getting off the phone saying she was at the funeral home preparing a service and then was looking for a church and priest. That was 3pm and then I didn't hear from her again. Even after 100 texts and calls" she explains getting upset now

"Don't worry. She's ok. I'm gonna try and talk to her while you get yourself ready. Okay? Take your time"

"Thanks Lizzie"

I walk down the stairs to hear y/n yelling
"You don't get it. I have to do everything because there is no one else to do it. We had no one left and now I have no one." She yells while throwing a glass plate that shatters against the back wall. She freezes after realizing what she did and Robert doesn't say a word. Just stands there looking uninterested.

"I'm not saying you can't do it. Just let us help" Robert says slowly and softly. Y/n turns and looks at me which takes her distraction from Robert who mouths to me 'no sleep'

"Y/n/n why don't we take a nap? I'm tired and you know I can't sleep alone."

"I'm good. Scar will be mad also bc I didn't sleep with her either."

"She's not mad. Was worried but understood. Please I'm exhausted" I say faking a yawn.

She rolls her eyes and drops the sponge she was using to clean the dishes. "Fine. But set an alarm for an hour please" she says before following me upstairs. As we walk into her bedroom Scarlett is walking out of the bathroom. Y/n walks straight up to her and hugs her tight, wrapping her arms around her waist. I can't hear what she whispers to Scar but Scarlett kisses her head before releasing her and walking out. Y/n pushes me into her bed and cuddles up to me. I tuck her in the bed and run my fingers through her hair. She knocks out in a couple minutes so I can sneak back downstairs to Robert and Scarlett.

They both look at me coming down the stairs and I wonder what they were talking about.
"She's asleep" I say and they both nod while drinking their coffees.

"So what's the plan?" I ask

"You guys know more than me" scar says

"All she told us was she was setting up the funeral and asked me to get contacts of her sister from my sisters." I say

"She told me Lilly rejected the heart?" Robert turns to ask me.

I nod my head "that's what her friend dr Jeff said. The surgery from Spain was a success but she didn't come in for post op check up and never complained of pain until showing up at the hospital the day before yesterday and weighing like 80lbs."

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