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A/N: the role of Olivia Schultz will be played by the lovely Blake Lively. Something about her in a suit is 🤤 in the story she is 40 years old...remember Scar is only 33...you are 25. (You can always change to fit what you like🖤)


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Y/ns POV
As the cool breeze hits my face when I walk out of the building a let out a huge sigh before getting in Scarlett's car. I can't let her know I didn't have the greatest first day. She will be crushed. And I definitely can't tell her I'm working with my ex-lover.

I put a smile on my face and open the car door scooting in. "Hi Baby" I say and kiss her lips.

"Hey! Sooo how was it!?" She asks

"It was great. You were right it's going to be a good time there" I say and she seems to believe it.

The car ride isn't quiet but I just listen to her tell me about the next couple of scenes she has to help film and I'm glad it takes my mind off my day because her smile is just so precious. We pull into our driveway and I see Lizzie sitting on the porch while Rose is running around the front lawn with her soccer ball.

"Mama!!" Rose squeals as she runs to me to hug me.

"Still getting passed up" scar laughs

"Hi Rosie how was school!" I ask

"Boring. How was work!" She asks back with a laugh.

"Boring" I mimick her voice and she giggles.

I walk on to porch and Lizzie gets up to hug me. "How'd it go y/n/n?"

"It was nice. I get to order all new things for my office. I also talked to John about Flo and he wants to set a meeting up with her for this week. Is she coming back here?" I ask now turning to look at Scarlett.

"She films until 8 tonight but yea I did invite her back." She replies

"Cool I'll ask her when she gets back." I say and I walk inside to change out of my clothes. I walk upstairs and as I'm changing I can't help but think I need to tell someone about Olivia. Anna knows her but if she found out we were working together she would raise hell and fly out here and tell me to quit. Yeah, she didn't like her at all. Maybe a third party who doesn't know her or Scarlett? Nah. Don't spread your business around.

I sit on the bed in just a bra and sweatpants and fall back so I'm laying flat on the bed. I guess I'm just going to have to ignore and try my hardest not to be around Olivia. Easy for me. But I know she has no boundaries so this should be interesting.

"Mamaaa" I hear coming from the hallway and shoot up grabbing and shirt and run out of the room. I see rose sitting on the top step and I sit down next to her.

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