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Y/ns POV
"Mama should we get mommy some fruit?" Rose asks from the hotel breakfast Buffett. This is the fanciest hotel Buffett I've ever seen. Who serves caviar with breakfast?

"Yeah I think she'd like that sweetie" I nod to Rose who gathers another plate to put fruit on and adds it to the large tray I'm holding with a bunch of different plates. Rose and I both woke up pretty early. She must be jet lagged, and I just heard her walking around so I woke up. I'm really excited for today because I have the best surprise set up for Rose. But breakfast comes first so we have to head back to the room after our little walk this morning.

"Want to scan the card flower?" I ask and hand her the key card. She grabs it excitedly and swipes the card against the door opening it. I remember I used to love doing that at hotel, it made me feel grown up.

"Mommyyyyy we got breakfast!!!!" Rose yells through the suite.

"Go into the room and yell. She can't hear you out here" I laugh and watch as Rose opens the door of the bedroom and yells it then slams the door closed giggling.

"Cmon mommy needs cuddles to wake up." I say and pick up Rose and run into the bedroom with her giggles and slam her into the bed lightly. Rose pops up but cuddles into Scarlett's side who wraps her arm around her daughter but refuses to open her eyes.

"Mommyyyy get up! We picked out a ton of breakfast!" Rose whines and Scarlett pops an eye open.

"Okay okay I'm up!" Scarlett says sitting up. I give her a look apologizing for waking her up before 8am but I can't say no to Rosie. Scarlett shakes me off and pats the bed next to Rose for me to lay down.

"If I lay down the breakfast monster will come and get me" I laugh looking at Rose.

Scarlett reluctantly gets up but I can tell she's happy she did because her eyes are glowing just looking at all the food we brought back.

"Is that caviar!?" Scarlett says making a face

"I had to! Who serves caviar for breakfast!!" I laugh

"Whats caviar?" Rose asks

"Fish eggs." I say and she makes a 'yuck' face

"People eat that!! What about the fish babies!!!" Rose squeals

"They take the babies out first!" I quickly blurt out and Scarlett looks at me like I'm crazy. What! I'm not going to let Rose think people are killing fish babies by eating them.

"Oh phew" rose says wiping imaginary sweat from her head which makes me giggle at her. She's so cute.
Scarlett picks up her coffee cup, I labeled it with her name, and then looks at me.

"Where's your coffee?" She asks

"Right here" I say lifting the cup up from my lap.

She grabs it from me and then shoves her cup into my lap so I can have it. I chuckle at her because I know why she did it. So I give her a look and she starts smiling. "You can drink the decaf." She says with a wink and takes a sip out of my coffee cup.

"How'd you know?" I laugh

"I didn't before yesterday! How dare you give me decaf!!" She laughs back "I need at least one normal cup a day. It was fine when Rose was in my belly. It'll be fine now" Scarlett says

"Yes queen. Anything you say queen." I mock and she sticks her tongue out at me.

Once breakfast is over, I can finally tell Rose what we're doing today. I go and sit down next to her and watch her play with some new dolls she brought back from her dads. It's cute that one of them is a soccer player, she definitely picked that one out.

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