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Scarlett's POV
"Love you flower, we're right out here if you need us" y/n whispers to Rose who's tucked into the big king bed on the private plane we are taking to France. It's 10pm so she's exhausted, and the flight is 10 hours so hopefully she will sleep through the night and wake up when we arrive.

I settle on the small couch waiting for y/n to come out of the room and she sits down right next to me. She lays her head on my lap while she stares at the ceiling of the plane.

"What's on your mind bug?" I say and she smiles at the nickname.

"Just excited to be on our honeymoon, but I'm going to miss Rose." She says and it makes my heart break and swell all at once. I thought I was bad when I left Rose but she's just as bad if not worse. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside though to know how much love she has for rose. I couldn't have asked for a better partner.

"We will have a little time and a long ride before we get her to her fathers. Maybe we can do something small together before she leaves." I counter and I see her think.

"That could work. I'm going to miss her a lot. I'm sorry I'm being a baby about it. When did I get so emotional?" She laughs and I stroke her hair a little before I speak.

"Hey don't invalidate your feelings. It's okay to be emotional. It doesn't make you any less. And that just means you love her and care for her. And I love how much you love her. She's very lucky she has you"

"I'm lucky I have you both." She says before snuggling closer into my lap. Luckily since this is a night flight the whole plane is dark and it's easy to fall asleep. I can't wait to explore and see the world through my wife's eyes. She makes the me see the world in color.


"Baby, we're landing soon and I have to wake Rose up to sit in her seat." I say to the beautiful woman asleep on my lap.

"Hmm oh sorry." She says getting up. "I'll get her" she says and walks into the room. I pick up most of our things we left around the plane and make sure roses toys are packed from the first hour of the flight where we were able to play some games. She walks out a minute later with a sleeping rose on her chest and it melts my heart yet again. She sits in the seat next to me buckling herself up and holding rose close to her. She takes a couple pictures of the beautiful landing and the view of Paris and the Eiffel Tower and I smile knowing these will go in our little picture book. We finally get landed and get into the car waiting for us.

I tell the driver to go to the middle of the town so I can bring y/n to a cafe I love. Rose and her gaze out the car window like its the best thing theyve ever seen. Its early here so the streets are pretty empty and I know we wont be spotted at this cafe so when i see the floral lined door arch i get excited.


"merci" rose and y/n repeat me and we get out of the car, while the driver parks just around the corner to wait for us.

"This place has the best pastries" i say and drag y/n and Rose inside. i order some coffees and pastries for us while y/n finds a seat with rose in the back corner.

"This cafe was one of the first palces i found on my own when i lived here with your dad." I say to Rose. "It was a quiet palce I wouldnt be bothered to do work and their chocolate crossiants taste like the ones i got from New York." I say explaining more to y/n who listens intently to me.

"So its like a special place" rose asks and I nod.

"Special to me yes, and now to you guys since you are both the first ive ever brought here." I say and see y/n smile. I knew the gears were turning in her head.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now