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Court has been brutal this past week. My Monday started great. 5am shower with Scarlett. Put her ass right back to sleep.

But then I met with the DA that morning and his video evidence was more than enough to prosecute my client. I fought hard for a few days but once they showed the video to the jury I knew it was over.

That was over by Wednesday which pushed my next court case up. This one I was defending a musician who claims this girl tried to rape him but he didn't tell anyone but then the girl went and told police he raped her. Confusing I know. I prepped Jaime for hours the night before at my house.

Scarlett actually was a great lawyer on cross examination with him and I swear it made me fall inlove with her more. She's a fantastic actress and it made Rose and I crack up laughing every time she made Jaime stutter. It helped in court because he didn't let the other lawyer get to him at all and sounded confident up there. But since I took Friday off for the premiere, we took a double shift at the courthouse and were in there until 9pm.

That leads to me now. I'm sat eating breakfast with Rose, Scarlett and Scarlett's manager, Marcel.

"Rose, honey eat your cereal before grandma comes over." Scar says trying to contain a hyper Rose.

"Now y/n, have you ever been on a red carpet before?" he asks and I nod eating my toast

"Oh right duh. You'll be fine infromt of cameras then and just pose and help Scarlett down the carpet. At the end she will have a few interviews she has to do and then usually one with one of the castmates right before you guys go inside." He explains.

"Is there like somewhere I can wait while she interviews? So I'm not in the way." I ask just checking.

"What. No. She has to stay with me. You can stand off camera if you want but I don't want you to leave me." Scar comes running through the living room pouting while chasing Rose.

I chuckle at her and decide maybe I should help. "Hey flower can I talk to you?" I ask and she stops running right away making Scarlett almost knock right into her. Rose struts overs like she won the lottery and Scarlett throws her hands up in defeat.

"I birthed her and she still listens better to her" Scar mumbles under her breath but I catch it and smirk at her

Roses sits down next to me on the long bench and faces the table stealing a piece of my strawberry. "What if i told you you could go swimming today?" I say and she snaps her head right to me. "Really!?" She says and Scarlett enters the room and stops with her hands on her hips listening to this. Marcel is just as intrigued.

"Yep you can. But only if you eat breakfast. You don't want to swim on an empty stomach because then you'll get a cramp and be sick and not be able to swim." I make up but she believes it with a huff and walks to the other side of the table to start eating her cereal.

"I swear I bribed her with ice cream for breakfast and she didn't even consider it." Scarlet scoffs and walks into the kitchen.

"Now that that's settled. So that's fine you can stay with Scarlett but there is a spot at the end of the carpet you could walk to if your ever overwhelmed." He says to me and I answer with a nod.

Scar walks back in with those eye things under her eyes and I laugh not recognizing them. "So you own a skin care company but don't do under eye care?" I say

"I never really had problems with mine. But I've actually been looking into it since you mentioned it last week. These are prototypes" she says framing her face making silly faces at Rose which gets a bunch of giggles.

"I'll try some" I say and she jumps up excited running to grab them. She comes back a second later and climbs right into my chair straddling me.
"Scar we have company" i whisper and she just chuckles at me. "Shhh darling" and she slips these cold slimy patches on my under eyes and I gasp at the sensation.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now