Bunkered Down

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Gojo casually opened a door that belonged to a dorm room that could only allow one person to sleep in it thanks to the single bed off near the corner.

"So, this is your room~" Gojo cheerfully said, a smile on his lips.

(Y/n) stared at the white-haired male with a blank look on his face.

"It's plain..." (Y/n) points out.

Hearing this caused a smirk to appear on Gojo's lips.

"You don't have to worry about that! You can decorate however you'd like." Gojo replied.

The (H/c)-haired cursed spirit rolled his eyes before turning his attention to the dorm room that he would be staying at for whoever knows how long.

"Who else stays here?" (Y/n) finally asked, turning his head toward the white-haired sorcerer.

"The second and third years. We're about to get brand new first years this year, but they have yet to be placed into their own dorm rooms," Gojo explained.

The cursed spirit raised an eyebrow. "You spoke of this 'Yuta' earlier, I'm guessing he's one of these second years?" He questioned.

Gojo laughed, nodding his head as he held out three fingers. "There are also three other second years. Maki Zen'in, Toge Inumaki, and Panda."

'The Zen'in Clan and the Inumaki Clan have students here? Interesting.' (Y/n) thought as he heard the last names of Maki and Toge.

Gojo seemed to take notice of the look of interest on (Y/n)'s face but said nothing about it.

"C'mon, I'll show you around campus!" Gojo exclaimed, reaching out to grasp (Y/n)'s wrist and dragging him out of the dorms, closing the door behind them.

"Wait, you already-!" (Y/n) exclaimed as he tried to pull his wrist out of Gojo's grasp, just for the said male to hold on tighter and ignore his complaints.

(Y/n) became dot-eyed before realizing something, a sly smile appearing on his lips. 'Oh damn, this is some tea! I made the one and only Satoru Gojo jealous because I had my attention and interest in someone else!' He mentally laughed as he thought that.

He couldn't believe it, (Y/n), himself had made Gojo jealous of two second years.

This amused the cursed spirit greatly.


Instead of walking around the campus once more, the duo were now just wandering around Tokyo for a bit.

(Y/n)'s eyes wandered the streets ahead of him, staring at the people and buildings that he walked by.

Gojo walked behind the cursed spirit's figure, a black blindfold now covering his eyes as he stared with wonder at the (H/c)-haired male.

He had taken into consideration that the other had chosen to be around the age of a young adult, seventeen or eighteen at best, to stick with the fundamentals of high school. But in reality, he also knew that the other could've chosen an age much older than the cursed spirit had decided to use, but (Y/n) probably wanted to make others comfortable about him being around the same age as them. And to probably show that he wasn't a 'danger' to anybody.

"When does school start anyway?" (Y/n) finally asks, looking over at Gojo from his shoulder.

Gojo perked up at the question and gave his usual sly smile. "A week from now," he answered.

The (H/c)-haired male sweatdropped. "You're going to be a fucking menace to these first years, I just know it." He muttered.

Realization seemed to come across his face. "Wait, now that I think of it... What year am I supposed to be in?" (Y/n) questioned, watching as Gojo sped up his pace a bit to catch up with the cursed spirit.

Gojo clapped his hands together. "Oh, that? You'll be a second-year doing third-year things, but you'll be hanging out with the first years!" He answered.

(Y/n) stared at Gojo as if the man had finally lost his mind. "I don't know if you lost your mind, or if you're actually serious... I'm going to be a second-year student that does third-year work, but I'll be hanging out with the first years," he repeated.

Gojo nodded his head, pointing finger guns at the other. "You are correct, my pupil!" He says.

Gojo turned his attention elsewhere, taking notice of a vending machine nearby.

"Come, my fellow pupil!" Gojo declared before dragging (Y/n) to the said vending machines.

As of right now, (Y/n) just has to live his life as a cursed spirit hidden as a human in the human realm for the time being.

And it was already turning out to be such a hassle.

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