The Shibuya Incident, Part 47

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Itadori immediately ran forward, not missing a beat to go after Mahito.

Todo had crouched down, creating a simple domain that he had learned from Yuji Tsukumo to defend himself.

The pink-haired sorcerer was running at Mahito before the cursed spirit could activate idle transfiguration.

However, the fastest was Mahito thanks to the realization of an innate domain, and having an active cursed technique on.

So, the two-step process was shortened to one.

Thanks to the wakening black flash, Mahito was able off this sublimely fast maneuver.

The scene changes to Mahito standing before Sukuna who held a smirk on his lips.

"I take it I'm safe here...right, Sukuna? It is you we're talking about after all. Surely you have some sort of understanding with Itadori. But I won't let that happen. He'll be dead before you can switch with just shut up and watch," Mahito states.

Sukuna just stared at the cursed spirit in amusement, saying not a single word to him.

The scene changes once more which shows Todo standing strong and Itadori still running at the heterochromia-eyed male.

Todo's eyes shifted downward when he felt something wrong with his left hand just to see it being manipulated.

"Todo!" Itadori hollered when he saw what was happening.

Mahito had a crazed grin on his lips as he ran in Todo's direction.

Before his hand could get manipulated all the way, Todo immediately cut it off.

The string that held the necklace together snapped, causing the piece of jewelry to slide a little.

"Hey! I just improved that for you!" Mahito exclaimed while Todo looked at him as if he was crazy, which the cursed spirit was indeed so.

Pulling a fist back, Mahito punched Todo with a black flash which sent the male lurching forward a bit before flying off thanks to the force of the attack.

'You've got to be kidding me! He instinctively concentrated all his cursed energy to his minimize...the damage!!' Mahito thought as he watched Todo skid on his feet.

Todo sent a grin in Mahito's direction, blood pouring out of his mouth which hit the ground.

'My technique is back! And he can't clap his hands! Time to end him with idle transfiguration!' Mahito mused as he ran forward once more with a fist covered in cursed energy.

The necklace that Todo wore slid off his neck and hit the ground which showed a picture of his favorite singer on one side, and Itadori on the other.

'Wha–?' Mahito thought.

All of a sudden, Todo slapped his hand against Mahito's and switched with Itadori.

Itadori decided to pay back Mahito with a black flash of his own which sent the curse skidding backward.

Off in the distance, Todo was seen laying on the ground staring on his remaining hand. "Hmph!" He mumbled.

'I touched him for a moment. It's a miracle I got away with just this.' Todo thought before dropping his hand to his side.

Itadori looked at Todo in the corner of his eyes. 'Leave it to me...Todo! And...thank you!' He thought.

Mahito slapped his hands together sending out another transfigured human in Itadori's direction.

Noticing this, Itadori brought his hands up to block the incoming attack that the transfigured human sent at him.

'Dammit! C'mon! Getting hit with a black flash now...?! That gorilla was a pain in the ass till the very end...but I finally found it! The true essence of my soul! It's true form!' Mahito thought as he started to transform.

Itadori kicked the transfigured human in the face before realizing what was happening in Mahito.

Mahito's whole body had changed.

Muscle lined from his neck, his shoulders, his upper chest, and his upper back which led to the back of his head.

Muscle also lined itself on his upper forearms which seemed to be stitched to his skin.

Sharp blades poking out of the skin of his elbows.

The corner of his mouth seemed stitched together, keeping his open just wide enough for Mahito to speak.

Along with that, Mahito no longer had a recognizable face, but you could tell it was him by his voice.

"How about wishing me a happy birthday... Itadori?!" Mahito exclaimed.

Itadori narrowed his eyes into cold stare as he immediately became cautious about Mahito's new form.

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