The Shibuya Incident, Part 19

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"So Ijichi's okay?!"

Nanami crouched to his knees so that he could meet eye-to-eye with the two females.

"I did what I could. And don't forget...he was once training to be a sorcerer as well. Anyway, it seems your group was not aware of the situation with Gojo," Nanami says.

"We headed straight indoors. That's probably why we didn't hear anything," Akari replied.

"The fact that he's still hanging in even after being sealed is so like Gojo."

Nanami stood up on his feet and looked down at the two. "You two please wait here for rescue. I'll be joining the Zen'in group and heading down to B5F," he states.

Nobara sat in silence for a few moments before deciding to speak up. "Me too–" She piped up just to be shut down instead.

"No. You need to be at least a Grade 1 sorcerer...for the upcoming fights. You'd only the way.," Nanami ordered before walking away.

Nobara and Akari watched Nanami leave them behind as they waited for rescue to appear.


A familiar figure walking down the train tracks caught Mei Mei and Ui Ui's attention.

"My word... You?" Mei Mei asks.

"Mei. It's been too long," Kenjaku greets as he pretends to be Geto.

"You have the guts saying that after sending an assassin my way...Geto. I had my money on you over Gojo, you know? You and your charming nihilistic smile. The fact that I have to squash such a shame. Truly... A shame," Mei Mei says.

'Why is he alive? Did Gojo mess up last year? Are Gojo and Geto in cahoots? Gojo alone could kill every human in this country if he wanted to. There's no way he would be that petty and join forces with Geto. This Geto must be a fake.' She thought.

"Mei. I feel the same way. To think that I have to kill a former senpai," Kenjaku replied as he summoned a cursed spirit. "Special Grade disease curse... Smallpox deity. Unfortunately, I used all the cursed spirits I had at my disposal last year."

Mei Mei narrowed her eyes at Kenjaku as she started to doubt herself. 'Cursed spirit manipulation!! Maybe I'm wrong...' She mused.

"I assure you, the quality hasn't suffered though. I'd like to leave the humans at B5F as they are. I'll be waiting for you there by the rails. If you can exorcise that, I'll be your next opponent," Kenjaku says as he turns around and starts to walk away.

The atmosphere around Mei Mei and Ui Ui changes which surprised the two of them.

'Domain expansion?! This trouble–' Mei Mei thought before being placed into something dark and small.

"Sister!" Ui Ui yelled when he saw his sister get placed into a coffin.

'I'm trapped?' Mei Mei wondered. "A coffin?"

The cursed spirit signals its next attack which is a gravestone.

Ui Ui covered his face as the gravestone landed on top of the coffin his sister was in.

The boy stared at the scene worriedly.

Barely three seconds later, the gravestone shattered.

"I wonder how long it's been...since my life has been in danger, even for a moment?" Mei Mei questioned as she showed herself.

"Sis...ter!!" Ui Ui exclaimed.


'I hope I'm going the right way. There's nobody here! Weren't there supposed to be a ton of people trapped down here?!' Itadori wondered as he hopped down to the bottom of the staircase.

His honey-colored eyes landed on Choso's figure.

Choso and Itadori made eye contact which made Choso widen his eyes when he realized who was standing in front of him.

Without a second thought, Choso sends a blood manipulation attack in Itadori's direction.

Itadori's eyes widened a bit in surprise as Choso's attack, piercing blood, went flying in his direction.

The pink-haired teenager quickly brought his arms up to block the incoming attack.

'Crap! It's gonna get through!' Itadori thought.

The teenager shifted his arms so that the attack could continue behind him.

Choso sends another piercing blood attack in the boy's direction, but Itadori starts running in the dark-haired male's direction.

Itadori sends a punch at Choso who blocks it.

'Double impact...? What a strange technique.'

Choso and Itadori moved away from each other and stood across from each other at a good distance.

Blood dripped down Itadori's arms as he narrowed his eyes at Choso's form.

'The cut's deep. I can take this pain as long as I know it's coming. But I really can't move my arm anymore. So I'll keep attacking...with my left!' Itadori thought.

"There's something...I want to ask you. Did my younger brothers...leave any final words to you?" Choso asks.

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