The Shibuya Incident, Part 43

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(Y/n), Nobara, Megumi, and Itadori could be seen sitting around a table with a coffee mug in each of their hands.

As Nobara moves her hand, it accidentally bumps into her mug which falls over and spills onto Gojo's shirt.

"Ah!" Nobara exclaimed.

"Oh man... You've done it now, Kugisaki," Itadori says.

"This is Gojo-sensei's, right?"

Nobara stared at the shirt for a few moments before deciding to speak. "Who's really at fault here? Ijichi, who entrusted us to keep a freshly dry-cleaned shirt safe. Or me, who spilled a little bit of coffee," she asked.

"You!" Megumi and Itadori immediately answered.

"It was your coffee that you accidentally spilled... So, it's 100 percent your fault," (Y/n) answered as he took a sip from his mug.

Itadori and Nobara tried to dab away at the stain just to make it worse, while Megumi and (Y/n) only cleaned untouched spots with tissues.

"You gotta dab it. Like this. Dab dab."

Itadori then picked up the shirt to show the coffee stains that decorated it.

"Hm... It could pass for a Marimekko. If you look at it from this angle in this lighting..." Nobara says as she looked at the dirty shirt closely.

"That's insulting! To the fashion industry," Megumi replied as he stared at the two idiots in the room.

"I bet it's cheap, anyway!" Nobara exclaimed. "Fushiguro, look up how much this brand costs!"

Megumi pulled out his phone and scrolled through it, his green eyes scanning across the screen as he typed in the shirt's name and brand onto a search bar.

(Y/n) looked over Megumi's shoulder to watch what he was doing just to be met with a sucker getting placed into his mouth.

A hum of satisfaction left the (H/c)-haired male's lips as he swirled the sucker around in his mouth, muttering a soft "thank you" to the green-eyed teenager.

Nobara and Itadori gave a look of horror when they saw how much Gojo's shirt was.

It was 250,000 yen.

"T-Tax included?" Itadori nervously asked.

"Before tax. Does that matter?" Megumi replied.

"Fine. I'll put in 90,000 yen... You three put in 80,000 each..." Nobara huffed out.

"Huh?!" The boys exclaimed.

"Mornin'! Ijichi should have left you guys with... What's up, Megumi?" Gojo begins to say just to see something had changed with Megumi.

Itadori, Nobara, and (Y/n)'s shoulders shook with silent laughter since they had all seen Megumi hide the shirt under his uniform.

"Nothing..." Megumi answers, ticked off about the current situation.

Laughter bursts out of Nobara, Itadori, and (Y/n)'s lips as Itadori pulled the shirt out from Megumi's uniform.

Itadori stared at Nobara's fallen figure, shocked at what he had just witnessed.

"Kugisaki..." He trailed off.

The pink-haired teenager's hands started to tremble as he started to understand what had just happened right in front of him.

"No... No way... Kugisaki! Kugi..." Itadori's voice wavered as he spoke.

A wide grin appeared on Mahito's lips when he saw how Itadori was reacting.

'I find my talent to exhilarating! Yes, I... I am...a true curse!!' Mahito exclaimed in his head as he ran forward, covering his right fist with cursed energy and punched Itadori with black flash.

The strength of the punch sent Itadori slamming into the floor, hitting the ceiling, just to slam into the floor for a second time.

Blood flew out of Itadori's mouth as Mahito extended his arm and grabbed onto the injured teenager just to throw him straight into a nearby wall.

A crazed look could be seen on Mahito's face.

"I bet you were gonna do some pest control! Or ghost exterminations like some make believe story!" Mahito yelled as he kicked Itadori in the face which made more blood go flying. "You came to Shibuya with half-assed determination, didn't ya?! How naive, you stupid brat! This is war! Not a battle to fix what's wrong! But a clash of truths! You and your fragile justice! You are me, Yuji Itadori! I kill without a second thought...just like how you save people without a second thought! The instincts of a curse...against the so-called dignity obtained by human reason! It's a battle to determine who will be left standing in a hundred years!"

Calming down, Mahito stared down at the beaten Itadori.

"How the hell did you think you were gonna beat me...when you don't even realize that? Tell me, Yuji Itadori... Have you ever stopped to count how many curses you've killed? No, right? Me neither. Me neither. Like I care about how many...people I've killed. I'm sure I'll eventually forget about you too!" Mahito exclaimed as he manipulated his arm to look like a sharp claw-like arm.

As he swiped, Mahito's eyes widened when he saw that he hadn't hit Itadori.

"The sound of Going Shoja bells...echoed the impermanence of all things. The color of the sala flowers...reveals the truth that prosperous must decline. However!" A voice exclaimed from behind Mahito.

The one that had saved Itadori from death was none other than Todo.

"We are the exception!" Todo exclaimed as he opened the front part of his uniform to reveal the white shirt underneath.

'What just happened...? That scar on his face! We just switched places! So he's the sorcerer Hanami had a hard time with!' Mahito thought.

"Todo!" Another voice yelled. "I've finished treating the girl," a boy by the name of Arata Nitta, says.

Arata approached Todo. "But she's probably dead. Please don't make it sound like it was my fault later, okay?"

Todo looked over at the boy that was Akari's brother.

"Enough talk. Take care of my brother here too," Todo replied before looking at Itadori's injured body. "Wake up, brother! Our battle has just begun!" He exclaimed.

"I'm getting a bad vibe..." Arata mumbled as he nervously sweated.

"Todo..." Itadori weakly mumbled.

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