The Shibuya Incident, Part 17

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Flashes of a dead Haibara and a severely injured Ijichi crossed Nanami's mind.

'I'm just... In the face of the evils of this world... I'm just...' Nanami trailed off in thought.

"How dare they...?" He muttered lowly under his breath.


"Ijichi?" Maki questions as she slices down a transfigured human.

"It sounded like he was attacked while calling Nitta. And it was probably after he split up with Fushiguro's group. So if he's alone, it could be bad news," Nobara explains.

Lifeless bodies and blood were everywhere in the station the group was in.

"Nobara, you take Akari with you to Ijichi's location," Maki says as she looks at the destruction in front of her.

'We can assume that idiot Satoru wouldn't lose...but this situation is starting to feel off.' Maki thought.

"We can't use our phones. The assistant managers are critical. I'll take care of things here for now. That geezer's no help," Maki states.

"Hey. Booze," Naobito called out.

"Ignore him," Maki says.

Her dark-colored eyes gazed at Akari and Nobara quietly.

'Surprisingly, being outside the curtain...probably makes it easier to run away when it comes down to it.' She thought to herself.

"I'm so happy! I was getting tired of running only into guys," Haruta exclaimed as he stopped a good distance away from the two females.

"Hide, Nitta. I'll end this quickly," Nobara says.

Akari looked at Nobara when she started to hear the girl whisper.

"Pretend like you're hiding in Bunkamaru, but then go through Tokyu. Judging by what he's saying, he probably took down Ijichi. We have to hurry," Nobara whispered.

"Right! Don't overdo it, Kugisaki," Akari whispered back.

"Whispering?" Haruta asks. "About what, I wonder."

Haruta loosened the grasp he had on his weapon and threw it straight at Nobara.

Nobara quickly moved out of the way.

The sound of rushing footsteps grabbed Haruta's attention when he noticed Akari running into a nearby building.

"Sheesh. Are you hiding?" Haruta asks.

'Using a cursed tool, even if you possess a cursed technique, usually means you're a mid-range fighter. Time to get in there!!' Nobara thought as a grin appeared on her lips.

"Are you some kind of idiot, throwing away your weapon like that?" She asks as she moves in close and swings her hammer.

"Yikes!!" Haruta exclaimed as he moved out of the way.

The male then looked closer at the female he was fighting. "We've met before, haven't we?" He questions.

"Nope! Don't think so!" Nobara answered.

In reality, she clearly did remember him.

All of a sudden, Haruta's expression brightened up.

"Huh? So...she's actually not hiding."

Nobara watched as Haruta ran into the building Akari entered moments prior and quickly chased after him.

The thing that surprised the first-year was seeing Akari injured on the ground.

Haruta's sword that he had thrown to chase after the other female had cut Akari in the back of her leg to render her immobilized.

"Nitta!!" Nobara yelled.

Haruta gave a running start before sending a kick straight into Akari's abdomen which made her cough.

"Why you...!" Nobara was about to attack once more before noticing the cursed tool Haruta was carrying.

'What?! Isn't that the sword that was dropped from before?! Why did it fall from above?!' Nobara wondered.

As the teenager was about to swing her hammer, the blade sliced her upper thigh which caused blood to go flying from her injury.

'A shallow cut!' Nobara stared at her wound with wide eyes just to meet a punch to the face.

Nobara's body felt as if it was paralyzed as she dropped to her knees.

'This guy...keeps hitting the perfect spots with precision!' Nobara realized.

"Got your brain rattled? Can't stand up?" Haruto crouched down in front of Nobara. "Hey, can you stand up? Heeey. You've gotten a lot stronger since we last met, haven't you? I barely recognize you."

A wide grin slipped onto Haruta's lips.

"But we don't live in a world where you win just by being strong. Especially when you're up against my cursed technique. That said, I'm not exactly sure technique is about either," Haruta looked over to see his weapon had returned, greeting it with a smile. "Now then, who to kill first..."

'Need to talk! Buy some time!!' Nobara told herself.

"What' guys after?" Nobara asks.

Haruta looked down at Nobara's figure as he placed the dull side of his weapon onto his shoulder.

"Dunno. They said it was something to do with sealing Satoru Gojo," Haruta answered.

"I'm asking you!!" Nobara corrected.

"Oh, me?" A crazed look slipped itself onto Haruta's face. "Think about this– what if a person who loves soccer...were to be born into a world without it. No wait... That's a bad example. Anyway, who cares about reason? This is so great! It's so much fun!! Who cares, as long as I'm having fun?!" He exclaimed.

Haruta stabbed his blade off to the side, getting Akari who lay beside his feet unable to get up.

"Don'tcha think so too?" He asks.

"Stop it!" Nobara shouted.

"Make me..." Haruta replied in a mocking tone. "Stop me from committing any more sins. Oops, bit my tongue."

Nobara's body swayed as she slowly picked herself up off the ground, glaring at Haruta's figure.

Haruta cleared his throat. "Ahem, ahem. Sorry, my throat."

Nobara walked up toward Haruta as her body continued to sway.

"Look at you. You can barely stand," Haruta says in an amused tone.

Nobara and Haruta swung at each other at the same time just to freeze when a loud crash was heard.

Footsteps were heard echoing through the hallway which made Haruta look over at the person who had entered.

A pissed-off Nanami could be seen coldly glaring in Haruta's direction.

"I can't remember... Is it okay for me to kill non-black suits too?" Haruta asks.

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