Fearsome Womb, Part 2

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"Nue!" Megumi shouts, summoning one of his shadows to help him.

'Don't die! Itadori! Kugisaki! (Y/n)!' Megumi thought, worried about his classmates and companions.


(Y/n) ducks an incoming attack that was sent straight at him, as Itadori came from above to punch the curse that once paralyzed the said pink-haired and raven-haired males.

"I refuse. Even if I die inside of you. I still have 18 more spirit fragments scattered around. That said, I'm unfortunately not in control of this body. It's up to you to switch. But when that happens, before I kill the curse...I'll kill Fushiguro here. Next is Kugisaki. She's got spunk, so that should be fun. And that (L/n) fellow? He reminds me of someone who had never shown me his face before. So, I'm gonna pry out whatever secret he's hiding," Sukuna says.

"I won't let that happen," Itadori replied.

"I figured as much. But if you get too distracted with me... your friends might really die!" Sukuna laughed.

The cursed spirit started to breathe inward, just to spit an attack straight at the trio in front of it.

The attack caused debris to fly up from the ground after landing in between Megumi and Itadori.

Cackles started to leave the cursed spirit as it held its face.

"Fushiguro! Find Kugisaki and get outta here! (Y/n) and I'll keep this thing distracted until you two make it out. I don't care how you do it, but give us a signal once you two are out and safe," Itadori ordered.

Megumi looked at Itadori as if he was insane. "There's no way you two can do this! You're both up against a special grade – and you've only got one arm!" Megumi shouted.

'Uh... umm...' (Y/n) nervously laughed inside of his mind, feeling bad that he was a special-grade cursed spirit himself, so he could easily take on the cursed spirit in front of them. But here he was holding back because he didn't want his secret to be exposed so early on.

"It's having fun. It's totally underestimating us. Buying some time shouldn't be too hard," Itadori says.

"I can't..." Megumi trails off, clearly worried for Itadori and (Y/n).

"Fushiguro!" Itadori shouts, causing Megumi to jump. "Please," he pleaded with the raven-haired male, a reassuring smile being seen on his lips.

"Eh..." (Y/n) sighed out, before rolling the sleeves up from his uniform up to his elbows.

"I guess I can help out. It's not like I can say "no", anyway."

(Y/n) stretched his arms above his head as he casually walked up to the cursed spirit with an indifferent look on his face.

"It's making it easier for itself to move! A loincloth?" Itadori warns the (H/c)-haired cursed spirit.

The cursed spirit spreads its arms out, sending a barrier to protect itself from the duo in front of it.

"Itadori!" (Y/n) shouts as he watches the other male gets sent flying into a wall.

(Y/n) turned to look back at the curse that was about to send another attack.

The male's eyes flickered with disappointment.

If someone looked close enough, they could see nine tails transparent behind (Y/n)'s figure along with a set of fox ears perched upon his head.

"Weakling," (Y/n) whispered under his breath.

The cursed spirit seemed to hear him, which agitated it even more as cursed energy surrounded its hands.

Itadori's eyes widened in fear. "(Y/n)!" He shouts.

(Y/n) says nothing as stares at the cursed spirit's face with not a single emotion on his face.

"I don't know who you think you are...but the only one that can injure and bother my sins...are me," (Y/n) muttered closely to where the cursed spirit's ear would've been.

Blue flames engulfed the cursed spirit, causing a screech of pain to escape its lips.

Itadori watched as the cursed spirit got burnt alive by the blue flames that manifested by (Y/n)'s cursed energy, well he hoped it was the other male's cursed energy.

(Y/n) watched as the flames disappeared, leaving the cursed spirit standing but severely injured.

Despite being injured, the cursed spirit grinned and darted right by (Y/n)'s figure.

"What the hell did I just fucking tell you, you piece of shit?" (Y/n) asks as he appears behind the cursed spirit, just to send a kick to the side of its head.

Itadori watched the fight between (Y/n) and the cursed spirit with wide eyes.

Even though it was thrown off course, the cursed spirit still went straight at Itadori.

"Itadori, move!" (Y/n) hollered.

Itadori froze as he watched the cursed spirit send a punch straight at him, sending him flying through the wall behind him.

The pink-haired male landed on his feet and pointed his good hand and his missing hand in the direction of the cursed spirit in front of him.

A loud holler escaped his lips just to be sent backward into a wall once more.

(Y/n) appeared behind the cursed spirit, slamming his hands down onto its shoulders.

"Burn bitch," he snarled, allowing his blue flames to engulf the cursed spirit once more.

(Y/n) wanted to use his full power. He wanted to end this quickly. Right now. Right then and there. But...he compromised with Gojo to hide who he actually was for a good while. At least until the time was right.

A loud painful screech escaped the cursed spirit's lips once more as it struggled underneath (Y/n)'s grip he had on it.

Without a second thought, (Y/n) sends another kick at the cursed spirit, which causes it to fly back.

The nine-tailed fox cursed spirit ran over to Itadori's side, surprised to see the severely injured teenager still up and moving despite all the beating up he had gone through with the cursed spirit they were both fighting.

Itadori clutches his somewhat good hand into a fist and sends a punch straight at the cursed spirit that came right back at them once the blue flames disappeared, after shouting at himself and having an inner monologue with himself.

A chuckle escaped from the cursed spirit, amused at the punch Itadori gave it.

All of a sudden, a loud howl was heard echoing throughout the domain.

"The signal," (Y/n) whispered.

(Y/n)'s eyes then darted over to Itadori's figure when he heard a very familiar voice escape from him.

It seems like Sukuna had finally decided to make his appearance.

"No matter how you slice it... you're such an annoying brat," Sukuna scoffs.

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