The Origin of Obedience, Part 4

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The cursed spirit grins widely at Megumi and (Y/n) as it sends an attack straight at the duo.

(Y/n) casually grabs the back of Megumi's collar and throws him backward.

Megumi's eyes widened when he watched the (H/c)-haired male get hit straight on by the attack.

"(Y/n)!" He shouts.

(Y/n)'s figure could be seen standing still, which surprised Megumi since he thought that the other male would've been blown back by the attack.

The said (H/c)-haired male had an indifferent look on his face as he rolled his shoulders.

"Hm..." He muttered out with a disappointed sigh.

'Still weak as hell despite it seeming stronger than the last one I was up against.' (Y/n) thought with a slight shake of his head.

"Hey, Megumi!" (Y/n) called over, not looking over at the male since less than half of his attention was on the cursed spirit.

"...Yeah?" Megumi asks.

"Cover and close your eyes for a bit, okay? Open them when I tell you," (Y/n) states.

Megumi stared for a few moments before nodding, following the instructions that were given to him.

(Y/n) noticed this and grinned. His sharp canines were shown as he walked up to the cursed spirit.

The cursed spirit started to use its speed to run around the male's figure.

Megumi watched the cursed spirit coming in with a cursed energy-covered fist heading toward (Y/n)'s direction which caused him to freeze.

He trusted the male, but he still felt worried for him.

A memory of him training with Gojo then came to mind.

Gojo could be seen hitting away Megumi who went tumbling to the ground.

"I win. Again," Gojo states.

Megumi stared at the man who raised him with heavy, tired pants escaping his lips.

"I was surprised you asked me to train you. Are you feeling pressure because of Yuji's growth?" Gojo asks.

"Well, beggars can't be choosers."

Gojo sighed heavily. "Is it that annoying? To ask me? Megumi, I think your skill and potential are probably higher than Yuji's. All that's left is the mental aspect. Megumi... You don't know how to bring out your best, do you?" He questioned.

Megumi's eyes widened before immediately turning into a glare.

"What?! Are you saying that I'm not trying my best?!" Megumi shouts.

"No. I'm saying you don't know how. Just look at the baseball game... Why...did you bunt?! You sacrificed yourself so that Nobara could advance. Well, good for you. But people like Yuji and me...are always swing for the fences," Gojo explains.

"Then...what about (Y/n)?" Megumi asks.

Gojo just smiled. "He's like... a wild card. A joker some might say. No one knows what he's capable of, not even myself," he answers.

It was true.

Gojo didn't even know what (Y/n) was capable of even though he was the one that reached and went after the named cursed spirit.

"I'm not saying a sacrifice bunt is bad. Baseball is a team sport in which each member is expected to play their role. However, being a jujutsu sorcerer is an individual sport," Gojo continues.

"But isn't coordinating with other sorcerers important?" Megumi questions.

"Yes. But no matter how many allies you have around you... You die...alone. You're underestimating yourself and others...instead of envisioning yourself as being stronger in the near future. Maybe it's because of that ace up your sleeve– you think in a worst-case scenario, if you were to sacrifice yourself, your death would make things end well. Keep that up and you can forget about becoming as strong as me. You won't even match up to Nanami."

Gojo points a finger into Megumi's forehead.

"Winning by dying and winning even if you die...are two completely different things...Megumi. Give it your all. It's okay to be selfish!"

Megumi's eyes were wide as violet blood landed on his face.

(Y/n) stood over a very injured cursed spirit that had trouble standing up on its own.

Megumi felt a shiver go up his spine when he saw how such a strong enemy was taken down so easily.

(Y/n) lifts a foot above the cursed spirit's head which causes it to try its best to escape the male, just to fail.

A loud cry was heard as its face was stomped and smashed.

Megumi stared in horror as he watched (Y/n) stomp in the cursed spirit's face multiple times.

The cries of pain and fear went silent as the cursed spirit no longer made a sound, its trembling body becoming lifeless as it turned into nothing.

(Y/n) turned away from the violet blood that painted the ground and headed in Megumi's direction.

Megumi tensed up a bit when he saw the violet blood dripping down from the tips of (Y/n)'s hair and onto the ground.

(Y/n) crouched down in front of Megumi's figure and held out a grotesque finger.

A (S/c) hand reached up and wiped away the blood that had landed on Megumi's face.

"It's gone."

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