Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event- Team Battle, Part 5

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"Anyway, we should get along, especially since we're both...cursed corpses."

A male wrapped in bandages could be seen as his eyes widened at Panda's words.

"Well, lookit that... You're nothing but a doll!" He says coldly.


"Whoa!" Panda shouts as he dodges an incoming attack from Mechamaru who had turned his clawed hand into a drill due to how quickly it was spinning.

A squirrel on one of the trees jolted as the sound of a tree falling scared it.

"Why you..." Mechamaru trailed off.

'I have to finish this quick! I'd even leave him to go help Nobara...but this guy can attack long-range. It's not as if I really know much about Mechamaru, Nishimiya, and Miwa.' Panda thought.

"You're pretty strong. What's your rank?" Panda asks.

"I don't think my rank matters right now...but since you asked... I'm semi-grade 1!" Mechamaru answered.

Panda stared in surprise.

Mechamaru sends in his next attack from the palm of his hand in Panda's direction.

'His range is huge!' Panda allowed his cursed energy to surround his body as the attack hit him straight on.

As the attack lessens, Panda could still be seen standing.

A single cough left Panda.

With Mechamaru now wide open after that attack, Panda moved in close and sent a punch straight to Mechamaru's face multiple times.

It doesn't take long for Mechamaru to be slightly up in the air, just to get hit by Panda's behind which sends him skidding, but the said robot was able to get back onto his feet.

"Well, I guess my secret's out. But if you say you're different from me, that means your real body is controlling you remotely from somewhere else, right? That's still no reason to get so mad about it! You don't wanna be compared to me?! That hurts! I might just start cryin'!" Panda exclaimed.

He then looked back at Mechamaru after having a small dramatic moment.

"Judging by the output of energy...I'd say you're not too far from here. I bet you're just outside the battle area. Looking for you would be pointless. I'd just be wasting time. I guess I'll just have to crush you here," Panda says.

"Neither is gonna happen. Heavenly restriction. Do you know what that is? It's different from a binding vow. Think of it as bindings on the body that you're born with. My right arm and both legs below the knees are useless. I have no feeling below my waist either. My skin is so sensitive that I can't even let moonlight touch it. The pores all over my body feel like they're constantly being poked by needles."

Mechamaru places a hand on his face as his true self does the same.

"But in exchange...I can use my technique over a wide range. I can also exceed the limits of my cursed energy. I didn't ask for this power. If I could exchange this body for a healthy one, I'd do it in a heartbeat, even if it meant leaving the jujutsu world behind. The fact that a doll like you...and not a human like me...gets to live so carefree in the sun... Really...pisses me off!"

A canon takes shape in Mechamaru's mouth just to have it pointed in Panda's direction.

Panda runs straight into the attack as Mechamaru releases it.

The armband that Panda wore fluttered to the ground once the attack disappeared.

"He's dead..." Mechamaru mutters as he turns around and starts to walk off.

"No, you're...not worthy of my death. Moaning about your sob stories while giving  info away about your technique... You certainly fit the bill as a jujutsu sorcerer," Panda says causing Mechamaru to freeze.

'He took on ultimate cannon and survived?!' Mechamaru thought in shock as he looked over his shoulder to stare at Panda.

As the smoke cleared up, Panda's figure seemed to have changed. He had changed his form into a gorilla.

"Okay. Now I'm kinda pissed," Panda grumbled.

"What's that form?!" Mechamaru exclaimed.

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