The Shibuya Incident, Part 4

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A murder of crows scavenged the train station and the floors below them, checking if there were any sort of transfigured humans.

Mei Mei, Ui Ui, and Itadori could be seen standing outside one of these stations while Mei Mei gathered information.

"What're we doing?! We gotta hurry!" Itadori exclaimed just to be shushed by Ui Ui.

"Shh! My sister is currently sharing vision with the crows. It takes a lot of concentration, so... Be quiet," Ui Ui rudely hushed the pink-haired boy.

"It's fine, actually. You can talk," Mei Mei spoke.

"She said it's okay," Itadori tells the boy beside him.

"My goodness, sister!" Ui Ui exclaimed.

Mei Mei continued to watch her crows go deeper just to be killed off on a specific floor.

With that sort of information, Mei Mei cut off the communication with them.

"Hm... I think I got it now. Itadori. Would you rather kill a bunch of weak transfigured humans...or exorcise one strong cursed spirit?" Mei Mei asked.

Itadori's eyes widened a bit as a small frown appeared on his lips.

"Well, I bet you'd want the latter. The transfigured humans are roaming around and attacking civilians at B4F. I think most of the civilians are at B5F on the Fukutoshin Line platform, though," Mei Mei states.

"You're not sure?" Itadori asks.

"The crows I used are imbued with cursed energy. They couldn't get to B5F. It appears to be part of the plan to funnel civilians farther down. And my crows were taken out between B1F and B2F. Whoever activated the curtain is there. Maybe they're there to kill any civilians who go up. Or it could have something to do with the curtains' constraints. We can't be sure why B5F was specifically chosen as the point of separation either," Mei Mei answered.

A cold, but serious look appeared on Itadori's face. "He's there, right? He's...down there."


Mahito clapped his hands together with a smirk appearing on his lips as he looked off into the distance with an amused look on his face.

"Here they come..." Mahito states.


"I'm not sure. The crows were taken out before I could confirm Patchface," Mei Mei replied. "But the fact that there are transfigured humans means he's probably there. I wasn't sure about splitting up. But at this rate, all the civilians at B4F are gonna be killed. We'll head directly for Exit 7 to B4F and rescue the civilians. If you find yourself in trouble, make your way down to B4F."

Mei Mei and Ui Ui walked away from Itadori as the said teenager headed in the direction of the station that would lead him downward.

"Best case scenario, when we see each other again... The curtain will have lifted, freeing the civilians, and we'll have figured out the objective of whoever's at B5F," Mei Mei finished.

"Don't worry, Mei. I'm done...with losing."


Itadori came to a stop when he saw a cursed spirit eating away at a human body.

The loud sound of crunching echoed throughout the floor due to how silent it was.

The cursed spirit seemed to take notice of Itadori and turned its attention toward him.

"Huh? What're you lookin' at?" The cursed spirit asks.

Itadori's hand started to twitch as he narrowed his eyes at the cursed spirit.

"Y-Y-You... Ju-Juju-Jujuchu ju-ju... A jujutsu sorcerer. You're a jujutsu sorcerer, right? I'm smart, you know," the curse spirit states.

"Patchface is here, isn't he? Where is he?" Itadori asked.

"Patch...face...?" The cursed spirit repeated in confusion.

"He's got stitches on his face," Itadori explained.

"You think I'm stupid?! I know that! I'm... Smart... Mahito is down below. I'm here to protect the curtain!" The cursed spirit exclaimed.

"Mahito..." Itadori muttered.

'I think Junpei also called him that... No, the name doesn't matter right now. This thing cast the barrier...? Both curtains? I dunno about that...' The teenager thought before seeing something right behind the cursed spirit. 'Not summon or cast. It said protect. In that case, that thing on the ground is suspicious. I gotta break it.'

"Mahito's jujuchu is no good... Did ya know...humans who've had their body shape changed...don't taste as good! I know the difference! Because I'm smart!!" The cursed spirit shouted.

Itadori immediately moved in and kicked the cursed spirit away from the dead body.

Due to the force of the kick, the cursed spirit is sent flying backward and slamming straight into the wall that was behind it.

Itadori quickly moves in for another attack, sending a punch straight at the cursed spirit's side.

"You... Every single one of you... Stop looking down on humans!" Itadori replied as an image of both Sukuna and Mahito laughing at him came to mind.

"You... You must...not be smart, right?! I bet you don't know...what kind of curse I am," the cursed spirit mocked. "Did you know, in this world... Those who aren't smart die!!" The cursed spirit exclaimed as it spread a set of bug wings.

"... You're a grasshopper curse, right? It's pretty obvious," Itadori points out.

The cursed spirit stared at Itadori with a shocked look on its face. 'He's... smart!!' It thought.

Itadori squinted as he stared at the curse in front of him with a confused look.

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