Jujutsu Koshien

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"So, a lot of stuff happened and people even died. Whaddaya guys think? Should we continue the event?" Gojo asked every single Jujutsu High student who was in the building with him.

"Hm..." Itadori trailed off in thought.

"What kind of question is that? Then, yeah...we should continue."

Everyone turned their heads and noticed Todo sitting with his arms crossed.


Gojo smiled. "What makes you say that?" He asks.

"First off, mourning should be reserved for those who were close to the deceased. It's none of our concern. Second, if there were fatalities, what should be expected of us is...to get stronger! Acquired strength is dictated by the accumulation of results. To suffer defeat or experience victory– we grow regardless. Results are important because they exist as results," Todo answers.

"Todo-senpai is actually pretty reliable," Miwa whispered into Mai's ear.

"Uh-huh. He's reliably crazy!" Mai agreed.

"Third! This unsettled feeling of having unfinished business during our school days will stick with us until the day we die!" Todo finished.

"How old are you, again?" Gojo questions.

"I don't mind," Megumi spoke up.

"We'll win anyway," Nobara says.

"He sounds ridiculous, but he does have a point," Noritoshi agrees.

"Why don't you rest, Kamo?" Momo looked at her injured classmate.

"No objections," Panda piped in.

"Salmon," Inumaki affirmed.

(Y/n) shrugged his shoulders. "What they said," he states.

"Are the pairings for the individual portion drawn at random?" Maki asks.

"Huh? We're not doing that this year!" Gojo replied.

Loud desperate sighs of annoyance could be heard throughout the room.

"I don't like routines," Gojo hands Itadori a small box.

(Y/n) walks over to Itadori's figure, and slouches his figure a bit as if he was looming over the pink-haired male's figure.

Itadori started rustling his hand through the box as Gojo continued to speak.

"Every year we put suggestions in this box and look at them on opening day."

A small slip of white paper was pulled out with the words 'baseball' written on it.

"Ba–" Gakuganji began.

"Baseball?!" Masamichi finishes.

"Personal space!" (Y/n) exclaimed as he pushed both of the principals away from him and Itadori.

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