The Shibuya Incident, Part 41

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"Don't do it, Kugisaki! Nanami said so too! And we didn't tell you Shoko was here because–" Akari shouted just to be cut off.

"Because you didn't want me doing something reckless, right? The paramedic team was probably late for the same reason. Even so...I can't just leave...while they're still fighting," Nobara replied.





Three civilians were pierced through the same attack which confused them all at the same time.

Itadori had run up the staircase to reach Mahito, seeing what he had done to the civilians he had pierced through with his attack.

'Maybe I should've had Dagon leave a few more people...' Mahito thought as he watched Itadori get closer.

"Meh, this should be enough!" He exclaimed before throwing both his attack and the three civilians in Itadori's direction.

Itadori immediately brought his arms up to block the attack which sent him hitting the wall behind him due to the force being applied.

"Dammit!" Itadori shouted.

Mahito just grinned at the situation.

"Are you okay?!" The pink-haired teenager asked as he tried to help one of the civilians up.

"Ugh... Yeah!" The male civilian answered.

Itadori's eyes widened as he watched the man transfigure and explode right in front of his face, which covered the teenager's eyes with blood.

'Crap, I–' Itadori thought as he opened one of his eyes a little, seeing how Mahito was closing in on him from behind with his right arm transfigured into a giant spike.


The sound of metal clattering against concrete was heard.

The cloned Mahito could be seen with his hands covered in cursed energy as he kept up the fight with Nobara.

Nobara had attacked the clone multiple times just for the other to swipe them away.

'She's avoiding my hands... The 7:3 hairstyle sorcerer must have warned her. I'm just a double though.' The clone thought.

"How boring," the cloned Mahito muttered under his breath.

'I can change my form like the original, but...I can't manipulate transfigured humans or other souls. But thanks for wearing yourself down...for me!' A grin slipped onto the clone's lips as he stretched his arm out in Nobara's direction.

Nobara quickly moved her head out of the way, but she was able to get a cut underneath her left eye, and a few strands of hair cut.

'I'm not fighting Itadori. I can manipulate my form as much as I want without incurring risks.' Clone Mahito mused as he manipulated his hand to turn into a giant spike which Nobara dodged.

Nobara quickly wound up her attack and rushed forward.

The two ran at each other with Nobara swinging her attack as she ran by the curse.

As she came to a steady stop on her feet, blood went flying from her shoulder along with a stinging and throbbing pain following.

"Ngh!" The sorcerer grunted out when she noticed that she had been hit.

"I thought I told ya..." The clone says as the wound under his cheek healed.

Turning around, the cloned version of Mahito smirked. "That won't work on me. Or did you forget already?" He asked.

Nobara pulled out two more nails from her back pocket and pointed them toward the curse she was fighting.

"I know that, but... Sometimes you just gotta try!" She replied.

"Sooo lame!" The clone sighed dramatically.

Nobara sent the two nails to the Mahito clone just for him to dodge it in a bored manner.

The sound of even more nails hitting the ground was heard which made the clone realize that Nobara was no longer in front of him, so he looked up and saw how she was on one of the building's ledges.

'Up there...' He thought.

"Here you go!" Nobara exclaimed as she dropped the nails down near Mahito's body double of a clone which he noticed.

The sound of Nobara's fingers snapping was heard next.


The nails struck the pavement which shocked the curse.

Following next was the sound of Nobara jumping down which he saw.

'Now she's coming down? What's her deal?' The body double wondered.

"Here's some more for ya," Nobara grinned as she sent another attack in the clone's direction from above.


The nails from around the cloned Mahito's feet grew in size and pierced through his feet.

'The first one rattled the nails to make them point upright!' He realized.

Nobara landed on top of the clone which shocked him as he was forced to his knees.

A singular metal nail covered in cursed energy floated above in between his eyes.

'But what does that matter?'

"I've been thinking about it," Nobara says as she starts to speak. "Ever since I was told about your cursed technique, I've thought...this...would be effective against you," she finished.

This caused the body double to widen his eyes when he realized what Nobara was doing now.

'Before... She was bluffing to make it seem like she didn't have a plan!' He thought.

Nobara swung her hammer, piercing the nail into Mahito's head.



As the real Mahito was about to end Itadori, spikes came out of his chest along with him coughing out blood that went spewing from between his lips and flew out of his injuries.

"Wha–?!" Mahito gasped out.

Itadori's singular eye widened when he recognized the attack that had just happened to the cursed spirit.

"Kugisaki?!" He exclaimed.


The cloned Mahito had blood pouring out from his wound which dropped to the floor beneath his feet.

'No way! This can't be real!!' The body double thought, panic rushing through his mind. 'Yuji Itadori...isn't my only...natural enemy!'

"Hm... That's weird. I just felt my cursed energy... detonate somewhere else nearby," Nobara begins to say. "How do I put this... Your cursed energy isn't really all that strong. And back could've just grabbed me. You're like a double or something..." Cursed energy was seen as Nobara covered herself, her hammer, and the nails with it. "...So you can't use your cursed technique, am I right?!" She asked.

The clone grinned as he pulled the nail out of his forehead. "Correct..." He confirmed.

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