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A small smirk appears on Mahito's lips as he looks up toward the sky.

Itadori's body was tensed up as he tried to understand the situation that was happening in front of him.

"What the heck happened?" Itadori asks as sweat rolls down the side of his face.

"Itadori!" (Y/n) shouts as Itadori darted forward.

Mahito thought as he used his remaining cursed energy to transfigure his figure.

Itadori glares up at Mahito's transfigured form.

Without a second thought, Itadori punches Mahito just for him to pop like a balloon.

The pink-haired male's widened in realization as he immediately turned around.

"See ya..." Mahito waved as he escaped from a nearby vent.

(Y/n) sighed heavily as he crossed his arms over his chest just to casually snap his fingers.

"Get back here!!" Itadori shouts.

"It was fun," Mahito says before shouting in pain as he was hit by (Y/n)'s blue flames before he disappeared.

Nanami punches the vent, just to miss.

"Tch!" Nanami tsked before bringing his phone up to his ear to call someone, "Into, the target escaped through the sewers. Yes, please intercept him southeast from where we were earlier. He's weakened, so even you can exorcise him."

"Damn it, Itadori."

Nanami turned toward (Y/n) and Itadori, just to freeze as his eyes widened.

An injured and bloody Itadori had fallen into (Y/n)'s arms.

"Itadori!" Nanami shouts as he immediately rushes over to the duo's sides.

Itadori lay unmoving in (Y/n)'s hold as his eyes started to flutter close and exhaustion started to catch up to him.

(Y/n) shifts Itadori onto his back, placing his hands under the pink-haired male's thighs.

"Sleep," the (H/c)-haired male ordered quietly.

Itadori leans against (Y/n)'s shoulder, mumbling a few words under his breath before falling asleep.

A small smile appeared on (Y/n)'s lips.

"Yeah... I'll be here when you wake up, don't worry."


Mahito panted heavily as he leaned against the sewer's walls and he tried to catch his breath.

He continued to grasp onto his injured shoulder, waiting for his sealed healing to become unsealed.

"Ah... Ha ha ha!" Mahito laughs which echoes throughout the darkness.

'So that's Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses. In his current state, his cursed energy level should be even less than Jogo's. But even so, his presence... His soul is on another level. I'm confident now even if we're all long as he is revived, and the nine-tailed fox retrieves his mask along with using his full power... The age of cursed spirits will come to fruition. But what should I do about this feeling?' Mahito watched as his hand shook. 'Right now, all I want to do is...kill Yuji Itadori!'

"Ahhh! It's so frustrating! But whatever!" Mahito complained loudly, "Unlike the body, the soul...can be killed multiple times."

'How should I kill him next?' Mahito wondered with a grin.


"We told you to take a rest. Itadori," Nanami says.

"You gonna lecture me?" Itadori asks.

"I'm not in a position to lecture one of the people who saved my life," Nanami replied.

Itadori made a confused sound before jolting as he felt warm arms wrap around his figure which he immediately melted into.

(Y/n) leans his head on Itadori's head, keeping his arms wrapped around the pink-haired male's waist while doing so.

"We did...?" Itadori asks quietly.

"Patchface's technique interferes with the soul. When you entered his domain, you probably forced him to touch Sukuna's soul. Thanks to you two, I'm alive," Nanami explains.

"Hm... No problem, Nanamin," (Y/n) yawned out.

"But I didn't change into him. Sukuna didn't come out. Patchface went to him. So we're not the ones who saved you. That just happened by coincidence," Itadori replied.

(Y/n) sighed quietly, but said nothing since he could tell something was bothering Itadori.

"Nanamin... (N/n)... I killed people today," Itadori begins.

(Y/n) blinks at the nickname Itadori gave him, his mouth gaping in surprise.

"I know people die and that there's no way to avoid death. But people should at least die a natural death. At least, that's what I used to think... That's why I was always thinking about stopping others from killing... But now that I've done it myself, I don't know. What does it mean to die naturally?" Itadori muttered as he stared at the multiple body bags in front of him.

"I don't know. Even if we assume it's right for the deaths of the good to be peaceful and of the wicked to be punishments...most people aren't good or evil. Death comes for us all. But we all die differently. Making sure everyone dies a natural death sounds exhausting. I wouldn't recommend trying. But you're going to try no matter what I say, correct?" Nanami explains.

Itadori stays quiet as he stays in (Y/n)'s hold.

"Please, don't die because of it. Just like how I needed you two to save me today...there will be others who will rely on you two in the future. After all, you both are now...a jujutsu sorcerer," Nanami finishes before walking away from the duo.


"(N/n), what did Patchface mean about you being the nine-tailed fox?" Itadori asks as he walks side-by-side with the (H/c)-haired male.

(Y/n) stops walking, which stops Itadori as well.

Confusion appeared on Itadori's face as he turned to look at the taller male.

"Hey, Itadori..." (Y/n) looks down into Itadori's eyes, which makes Itadori look back at the mesmerizing (E/c) hues.

"Don't tell anyone what you've heard, okay?" (Y/n) requests.

Itadori becomes dot-eyed. "What do I get out of it for keeping what I learned a secret?" He asks.

(Y/n) stared in confusion. "Uhm, what do you want?" He questioned.

Itadori becomes flustered and mumbled something under his breath.

A soft chuckle left (Y/n)'s lips when he was able to make out the word.

"I guess."

Without another word, the two shared a short, but sweet kiss on the lips with one another.

Something that the two cherished dearly.

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