Hidden Inventory, Part 10

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"Here you go."

The lifeless body of Riko was seen hitting the ground as the cursed spirit around Toji's shoulders spat it out.

"The corpse of the star plasma vessel, Riko Amanai. All in one piece," Toji says as he brings a hand off to the side.

"Hm..." A man by the name of Shigeru Sondor crouched down to examine the body. "Indeed. You'll receive your money through the means we previously discussed. We'll add on a little extra for your troubles," he states.

"How kind of you, Mister Founding Father," Toji replied.

"Really? Even if it was a necessary expense, he got a lot of help from you. He's not the founder."

Shigeru started to put Riko's body in a body bag.

"To be honest, I thought you'd make a fuss."

"We hired you assuming it would end in failure. The Star Religious group started in the Nara Period as Master Tengen was spreading Japanese Buddhism and preaching the moral foundation of the jujutsu sorcerers. However, the worlds of jujutsu and religion did not see eye to eye. From that disparity, the Time Vessel Association was born. And because of that, we position ourselves as non-curse users. Even jujutsu sorcerers who have authorization beyond normal rights for many things cannot lay hands on non-curse users," Shigeru states.

"The time has come...for the taboo mentioned in the doctrine! We have held steadfast to our monotheism!! And now the threat of this impure merger with Master Tengen is upon us!!"

"If the followers were to witness such a merger, the association would cease to exist. However, if we push too hard, the sorcerers would destroy us. This was an act of desperation! But look at us now! What was once lost is now in the palm of our hand," Shigeru picked up the body bag that had Riko inside of it. "It's enough to loosen our purse strings," he states.

"If Master Tengen goes berserk...humanity will be destroyed. You know that, right?" Shiu Kong, the man who is Toji's colleague, asks.

"If it means we fall alongside the star, so be it," Shigeru replied as he left the room.

Toji spun a finger around his head to show that Shigeru was crazy without having to say it out loud.

"When you mentioned the association's help, did you mean Okinawa?" Toji asks.

"Yeah," Shiu answers.

"Why didn't you kill the maid then? I thought I told you to," the green-eyed man states.

"Because I had an idea of what your plan was. Instead of using the maid's death, I figured creating a false sense of security from a successful rescue would help you wear them down. You've never been shy about appeasing others in order to hide your true intentions though, have you?" Shiu replied.

"All's well that ends well."

"What was Okinawa all about?"

Toji and Shiu left the room, walking together.

"Hilarious, wasn't it? You'd usually use a car to transport a hostage, right? Because it's risky traveling in public transportation. The association head owns a private jet."

"Even so..."

"Rich people just think differently."

Toji sends a smirk over at Shiu. "Let's grab some food with that money. Show me a restaurant you use for buttering up your clients," he says.

A chuckle left Shiu's lips as he took in a deep breath from the cigarette he had on his lips, just to pull it away and exhale the excess smoke.

"Forget it. You don't plan on paying anyway. I promised myself that I'd only associate with you...in business or in hell."


Toji walked down a path surrounded by pillars just to notice Gojo covered in blood standing in his way.

"Yo. Long time no see," Gojo greets.

Toji stared in disbelief. "For real?"

Gojo grins. "For real real. I feel like new," he says as he moves a few strands out of the way of his forehead.

Toji's eyes widened in realization. "Reverse cursed technique!" He exclaimed.

Gojo tapped at the side of his forehead.

"Correct! When you so kindly stabbed me through my throat, I gave up on fighting back. Instead, I focused everything I had into reverse cursed technique. Cursed energy is born from negativity. Even if you can reinforce your body, reconstructing body parts is impossible. That's why you multiply the negative energy to make positive energy. That's reverse cursed technique! But it's easier said than done," Gojo rambled.

'He's rambling... Is he delirious?' Toji wondered.

"And you know what else? I've never been able to do it before. The one person I know who can do it just talks a bunch of gibberish too. But right on the verge of death, I understood! The core of cursed energy! You lost. You should've cut my head off. And you didn't use that cursed tool when you stabbed me in the head," Gojo states.

"Lost? The battle's just beginning," Toji replied as he retrieved a blade from the cursed spirit he had on his shoulders.

Gojo threw his head back as he started to become mental. "What? Is that right? Maybe you're right. You're so right!!" He laughed.

Toji immediately darted at Gojo's figure with a wide grin on his lips.

He wrapped around Gojo's figure to attack him from the front just for the said teenager to disappear the moment he swiped his weapon in the white-haired male's direction.

Toji's eyes darted over and saw Gojo staring at him upside down in the air with a serious look on his face.

'The positive energy born from reverse cursed technique...flows the limitless cursed technique carved into me.' Gojo thought.

The teenager pointed his fingers in Toji's direction.

'Cursed Technique Reversal Red.'

A loud blast was heard as Toji was slammed into a wall behind him.

"Heh... You're a monster!" Toji exclaimed.

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