The Shibuya Incident, Part 27

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"Domain expansion... Benevolent Shrine," (Y/n) says.

Mirai watched as their domain broke right in front of their eyes by the invisible force of (Y/n)'s domain being summoned, falling from the sky and heading toward the ground like shattered glass before disappearing out of existence.

Blue flames circled at (Y/n)'s feet before spreading out at instantaneous speeds.

Nearby buildings' windows shattered and littered the ground.

Multiple car alarms blared in the air, echoing throughout the night in Shibuya.

Several small buildings crumbled under the open domain's pressure, while the bigger buildings had cracks go up their walls.

The ground beneath Mirai and (Y/n)'s tremors caused the pavement to crack and break under their feet as if a miniature earthquake was happening.

Statues of foxes were created by the blue flames and surrounded the two curses in a line.

A giant shrine appears behind (Y/n), the blue flames shapeshifting into foxes that wrap around at the bottom.

Blue flames flickered to life as it came to a stop by wrapping itself around pillars and designing itself to look like fox tails that are engraved into the pillars themselves.

Mirai felt a cold shiver run up their spine as they watched the domain form before them.

'It's not at its full transformation, but... This is good enough since it's not at its full size.' The (H/c)-haired male thought when he saw what his domain expansion looked like for a quick moment.


'There! That octopus is...the master of this domain!' Megumi thought when he saw Dagon.

'Voluntarily entering the domain...' Dagon trailed off in thought.

"How foolish," Dagon says, pointing a hand in Megumi's direction.

Dagon's awareness spiked up when he felt someone appear right behind him.

It was Maki.

She had appeared holding the weapon that Megumi had brought into the domain with him.

The female made her way to Dagon and swung at him which he blocked, but the weapon was able to slice beneath the side of his wrist.

Maki kept her eyes on Dagon's figure as she swung the weapon in a circle before sending it straight at the cursed womb once more, sending him flying back.

'Death swarm... The guaranteed hit...'

'...For this domain is gone!' Megumi thought as he expanded his domain which caused water to splash and fly upward.

'That boy expanded his own domain! Right now, it's as if he and I are locked in a domain tug-of-war! To restore my domain's guaranteed hit, I have to crush his domain!' Dagon thought.

Two eel-like shikigami make their way out of Dagon's abdomen as he summons them.

"Easy," he says.

The two shikigami jumped into the water and rushed themselves straight at Megumi.

The sound of multiple frog shikigami croaking was heard as they appeared.

Megumi's eyes widened as he watched Nanami appear before him, slicing down the shikigami that were about to attack him.

"Nanami!!" Megumi shouted.

"What about the other two?" Nanami asks.

"Ino had to withdraw, and Itadori is on his own," Megumi answers.

Nanami readied his weapon as he shifted into a battle stance.

"I'll protect you... Please focus on your domain," Nanami replied.

'He... Withstood death swarm for about a minute?!' Dagon thought in disbelief.

Naobito appears from behind Dagon, his fist pulled back as he swings a punch.

Dagon ducks the incoming punch. 'The mustache too!'

Maki remakes her appearance, swinging the weapon as she gets ready to send in an attack from behind.

Dagon releases two more shikigami at Maki and Naobito.

Naobito was seen gripping the shikigami that had gone after him with one hand and a foot pressing into its mouth.

The man had a grin on his lips as he smashed the shikigami to the ground.

Maki was able to defeat the shikigami that went after her by slicing it in half.

"All that for a 71-year-old arm..." Naobito trailed off. "It's gonna cost ya!" He shouted.

On the other side of the domain, Nanami could be seen slicing down two shikigami that were heading in his and Megumi's direction.

'If things continue like this, we might be able to win. That's if this continues! Fushiguro' his limit!' Nanami thought.

Megumi was breathing heavily as blood dripped down his nose as he was overusing his domain expansion by keeping it open for this long.

"Nana...mi!" Megumi shouted, capturing the man's attention. "That octopus thinks we're in the midst of a domain battle. But I have a different objective in mind. I'm going to open...a hole in the domain's barrier! The hole I came through is already closed. Exiting is much harder than entering. But I can open a hole big enough for one person to go through for a few seconds... The octopus isn't Gojo-sensei. It most likely can't use domain expansion multiple times in one day. If we all escape the domain, we can win."

Nanami looked at Megumi in the corner of his eye, listening to the teenager explain his idea.

"The barrier's edge is right below me. I know because I touched it when I came through... I'm ready anytime! All three of you, please jump through at once!" Megumi exclaimed.

"I hope you don't plan on staying behind..." Nanami says.

"Even if I risk my life...I don't plan on throwing it away!" Megumi declared.

"You two!" Nanami shouted, capturing the other sorcerers and Dagon's attention. "Assemble!"

Maki and Naobito took notice of Nanami's order and darted in his and Megumi's direction, getting away from Dagon.

The two hopped along the frogs to get onto Megumi's domain as they rushed over.

'Are they protecting the boy...? But that makes it easier for me to get them all at–' Dagon began to think before realizing what they were doing. 'No!' He quickly rushed in the sorcerer's direction.

'It's figured it out?! But it's too late!!' Nanami thought.

"To Fushiguro!" Nanami yelled.

An opening appeared beneath Fushiguro's feet, the gap circling as it slowly grew bigger.

Naobito and Maki grew closer to the opening, Nanami, and Megumi just to pause as they watched a figure make his entrance into the domain with a wide smirk on his lips.


Car alarms blared in (Y/n) and Mirai's ears as they stood in the nine-tailed fox's domain.

The two stared at each other quietly for a few moments before (Y/n) spoke.

"That's better. Now, where were we? Ah, that's right... Your death."

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