Fearsome Womb, Part 4

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"Itadori will return. Even if it means his death. He's that kind of guy," Megumi states.

Sukuna chuckled, staring at the duo in front of him in amusement as he rubbed 'his' lips. "You give him too much credit. This guy's just a little tougher and duller compared to other humans. Just a short time ago, he was practically beside himself...blubbering about his misfortunes. He doesn't have the guts to end his own life. I'm sure of it," Sukuna states.

Megumi brought his hand up into a hand sign, ready to summon one of his shadows to join him and (Y/n).

His green eyes narrowed upon the possessed Itadori, ignoring the rain that poured down from above.

(Y/n) casually reached a hand out in front of him, watching as the rain pelted down on the palm of his hand.

With a heavy sigh, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and gazed at Sukuna with an indifferent look on his face.

Megumi summons Nue, who appears behind him and (Y/n).

A grin could be seen as Sukuna started talking again. "All right! Since we're outside...let's go all out," he declared.

Nue swoops from the right, while Megumi goes to the left.

(Y/n) was casually kicking a pebble he had randomly found, up and down on the front of his shoe.

A look of impressed could be seen on Sukuna.

Megumi moves in close to attack Sukuna, just to get blocked.

"Hm? Oh," (Y/n) mustered out under his breath and sent the pebble now surrounded by cursed energy straight at Sukuna's face.

"You gotta feel the curse more!" Sukuna exclaimed.

Sukuna then seemed to be surprised at the attack that (Y/n) had sent at him when it hit him straight in the face, seeing as he wasn't able to punch Megumi in the face like he was hoping for.

Megumi took notice of the extra time given to him by (Y/n) and decided to use it wisely by summoning his great serpent from the shadows.

Sukuna looked down as he was grasped around the middle and brought up into the air with Nue circling and heading in his direction.

The King of Curses' eyes widened a bit as he was hit in the back of the head by an attack from Nue.

"Don't let up!" Megumi shouts out an order.

Sukuna grins widely as he takes down the serpent that had a hold of him.

"Like I said... let's go all out! And use those blue flames, sweetheart!" Sukuna says as he grabs both Megumi and (Y/n) when he appears behind them, just to throw them up into the air.

(Y/n) eyes widened as he realized how far he and Megumi were up in the air.

His (E/c) hues darted over in Megumi's direction, just to watch both him and Nue plummet to the ground by an attack made by Sukuna.

"What a great cursed technique!" Sukuna laughed.

Sukuna then brought his gaze toward (Y/n) and grinned in amusement. "Where are your blue flames, huh?" He asks.

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