The Shibuya Incident, Part 13

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"Why are you so insistent that I be the one who recommends you?" Nanami asks as he sits across from Ino that had a hot pot in the middle of it. "With your cursed technique, you could be semi-grade 1 in no time," he points out.

"To me, doing things the right way is really important," Ino answers. "Especially when doing dirty work like jujutsu sorcery. But I'm not the smartest person around, so it's hard to figure out what's right sometimes. So that's why whenever I'm not sure what to do, I ask myself... "What would Nanami do?" and since that's the case, becoming a Grade 1 sorcerer without your approval wouldn't feel right," he adds.

Nanami listened closely to the male's words.

"Oh, would you like another drink?" Ino asks, breaking the silence.

"Some Korean wine..." Nanami answers.

"I better do my part and...start paving my path to becoming a Grade 1 sorcerer!" Ino declared loudly as he stood across from the grandson.

Auspicious Beast Summon Number One:

"Kaichi!" Ino shouts as he sends an attack straight in the grandson's direction.

The grandson quickly turned around and picked up Ogami who was muttering something under her breath as she held the glass beads close to her face.

The attack just followed the two which the grandson noticed.

'It's homing in on us!' He thought.

Immediately, he dropped Ogami so that he could block the incoming attack.

'Nanami entrusted me with those two, so I can't just leave them by themselves. But dragging this fight to them wouldn't be right either. Best thing would be to just get this over with and join up with them.' Ino thought as he kept his eyes on Ogami and her grandson.

"Grandma, that just now..." The grandson trailed off.

"Yes... What are the chances..." Ogami murmured.

"Number two...Reiki," Ino says.


Itadori could be seen punching Awasaka in the abdomen as Megumi and his divine dog caught up with the two.

A giant claw that belonged to the black and white shikigami directed itself to Awasaka's head.

'To be honest, fighting the enemy...isn't the hard part. It's trying to work together with him.' Megumi thought as he watched Itadori fight.

Itadori brings a solid punch to Awasaka's face once more while Megumi sends a kick to the male.

"Hmph..." Awasaka grumbled out, the injuries he once had healed.

Itadori and Megumi's eyes widened as they watched Awasaka bring out a weapon just to swipe it at the pink-haired teenager.

Megumi summons one of his frog shikigami as Itadori realizes that he had been scratched.

Awasaka's eyes widened as he felt something wrap around his waist.

The shikigami swings with full force, releasing Awasaka so that the man can slam into the bridge above them.

"Itadori!" Megumi shouts as he runs to Itadori's side.

"No worries! It's just a scratch!!" Itadori reassured with a huff of air escaping his nose.

"So full of energy. Futures full of much promise. Definitely worth killing," Awasaka jumps down and lands on his feet.

"Divine dog's claws can even damage a special grade," Megumi says when he sees that there was no damage done to his and Itadori's opponent.

"I hit him with all I got too," Itadori replied.

'Then he not hurt?!' Itadori wondered.

Awasaka looked up, showing a wide grin on his lips.

"I thought we weren't wasting any time," Megumi reminds.

"... No comment," Itadori muttered.


Mutters from Ogami could be heard as Ino tried his best to get close to her, just to be blocked by the grandson.

Ino moves in close once more just to be forced to slide backward by the grandson.

'Appearances aren't deceiving here. He's no stronger than he looks. But he keeps putting his body on the protect the old hag. Something's going on. I better hurry.' Ino tells himself.

As Ogami's muttered words of prayer come to an end, a giant flash from above hits her directly which surprises Ino.

'What?! Something's different!!' Ino took notice of the change in the atmosphere immediately.

"We're all set," Ogami says.

"I know, Grandma," the grandson says before lifting something to his mouth.

'I won't let you!' Ino quickly sends another attack in the duo's direction. "Kaichi!" He shouts.

But it was too late, the grandson had already swallowed it.

"Toji Zen'in," Ogami coldly says.

Ino's eyes widened beneath his mask as he watched his attack get caught barehanded.

"How is it, my grandchild?" Ogami asks.

"Yeah. All good, Grandma," the grandson replies as he shows Ino's his face which is being transformed into another man's facial features. "This is the best ever."


Heavy panting was heard as Mahito could be seen running away from (Y/n)'s figure, wanting to get away from the male.

Mahito throws one of his transfigured humans at (Y/n)'s figure as he tries to run away from the male who was chasing after him.

The (H/c)-haired male didn't seem bothered as he reached out a hand and grabbed the transfigured human by the head just to send it up into blue flames.

"I could easily go against the rules given to me by both Gojo and that cursed spirit that told me I couldn't kill you or use my full strength, but where's the fun in that? Thankfully, I can injure you just as much as I'd please," (Y/n) says as he sends a kick into Mahito's side which sends the cursed spirit flying sideways and crashing straight into a nearby wall.

Mahito gags out red blood from between his lips.

(Y/n) preyed upon Mahito with a grin on his lips which showed his sharp canines.

"After all, I never created a binding vow. Just a promise that I could easily break."

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