I'm Gonna Kill You!

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Mahito smirks at the fighting duo in front of him.

Itadori seemed to be erratic due to the male nearly transfiguring Junpei – which was stopped by (Y/n) intervening – while (Y/n), himself, was calm and showed no erratic behavior.

Transfiguring one of his arms into a bird wing, Mahito dodges an incoming punch from Itadori, who creates a huge hole in the wall.

"Tag me in," (Y/n) says quietly into Itadori's right ear, "and get Junpei to safety."

Itadori paused in what he was doing and immediately nodded his head, changing his direction toward Junpei.

"C'mon!" Itadori shouts as he grasps onto the frozen Junpei's wrist, and drags the male to safety.

(Y/n) waits for the duo to leave him at a good distance, before looking back at Mahito with a laugh.

"Let's see how long you can last, Mahito."

(Y/n) sends a roundhouse kick to Mahito's head, sending the cursed spirit gagging.

The (H/c)-haired male didn't wait for Mahito to catch up with what was going on, and this time sent an axe kick down on the other male's head.

Mahito grunted as his face met with the floor.

'He's...' Mahito trailed off just to be kicked through the wall beside him.

'...Fast!!' Mahito coughs up blood as he is sent flying.

(Y/n) stares down at Mahito's form from where he stood by the hole he created.

Mahito laughed as he shakily got up onto his feet.

The (H/c)-haired cursed spirit steps a foot out and allows himself to freefall and land on his feet, kicking dirt up in the air.

The heterochromia-eyed male points an arm in (Y/n)'s direction, transfiguring an arm and sending a drill-like attack in the other male's direction.

(Y/n) tilts his head to the side and disappears from his spot, dodging the attack that was sent at him.

Mahito's eyes widened as he met eye-to-eye with a set with (E/c) hues up close to his feet.

"Let's render your healing useless for a bit," (Y/n) muttered coldly as he covered a fist with cursed energy and sent a punch straight into Mahito's abdomen.

Mahito's eyes widened as he went flying back, coughing out more blood.

The cursed spirit lands on his feet, staring at (Y/n) with wide eyes as he wipes away the blood that drips from his lips.

(E/c) hues flashed with amusement as their owner walked in Mahito's direction.

"You're quite a weird play toy," the (H/c)-haired begins to say, grinning which causes him to show off his canines, "but you're quite... entertaining."

"GUH!" Mahito cries out as he feels a hand grasping the back of his head and sending him face forward into the ground underneath him, which causes a large crack.

The (E/c)-eyed male crouched down in front of the injured cursed spirit and laughed.

"I know what Kenjaku wants, but I'll play his little game. Mahito, tell him this for me, okay? Well, that's if you survive, of course."

Mahito's eyes widened at the words that entered his ear, just for a scream to leave his lips as blue flames swallowed him whole.

Cackles of laughter left (Y/n)'s lips as he watched Mahito's healing factor make no appearance in trying to heal his wounds.

(Y/n) stands up from his crouched position and sends Mahito's severely burned figure flying into the building once more with a harsh kick to the side.

The (H/c)-haired male turned away and started to walk off, lifting a single hand out just to snap his fingers.

Another cry of pain left Mahito's lips as he was once again swallowed by the blue flames that (Y/n) was able to control.

'This isn't even a quarter of his full strength, but he's doing so much!!' Mahito thought.

"Taggin' you in, Itadori."

Itadori comes out of nowhere, slapping the palm of his hand against (Y/n) to show that they are switching out.

With Mahito standing up, Itadori moves forward with cursed energy-covered hands and sends a punch in Mahito's direction.

Mahito lifts his arms to block the punch but gets hit in the face.

The said cursed spirit's eyes widened in surprise before a wide grin appeared on his lips as he sent an attack into Itadori's abdomen.

Itadori coughs up blood as his body gets pierced.

"Ngh!" He grunts out.

(Y/n) leans backward, looking over his shoulder with an indifferent look.

"You can't beat me. Hurry up and switch...with Sukuna," Mahito orders before his eyes widen as he is brought into a different area with Sukuna sitting above him.

"You dare attempt to touch my soul? We shared a laugh at the brat's expense, so...I'll forgive you just this one time. Know your place... Fool."

Mahito was snapped out by being kicked out of Itadori's mind and into real life.

"Didn't you hear what I said? I'm not gonna change... I'm gonna kill you!" Itadori shouts before headbutting Mahito in the face.

Mahito's eyes become white for a quick moment as he falls to the ground, which breaks his transfigured attack while at it.

Itadori appears before the stunned male, yelling loudly as he sends a punch in Mahito's direction.

Instead of hitting him, the pink-haired male met with a crack in the wall before him.

Mahito stood coldly behind Itadori's figure with his right hand transfigured into a giant spike.

Itadori looked over and watched as Mahito sent an attack in his direction.

Before he could get hit, Nanami came out of nowhere, blocking the incoming attack just to retaliate with his own.

"Nanamin...!" Itadori shouts.

(Y/n) laughs as he turns toward Nanami, grinning. "You made it just in time, Nanamin!"

Nanami eyes Mahito, realizing that he isn't healing himself.

'Did (L/n)...do this?' Nanami wondered when he saw the scarlet-colored blood covering (Y/n)'s fist.

(Y/n) says nothing until he walks over to the trio with a grin on his lips.

"Let's continue this fight, okay? This could end up with you dying, us dying, or you running away~," (Y/n) says in a teasing tone which holds a cold warning behind it all.

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