Hidden Inventory

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"How far does this...hallway go?" A girl asked as she stared down a long hallway with a female companion standing right beside her.

"I'd say we've come about 15 k in the past 30 minutes," her companion says with an amused smile on her lips.

The raven-haired girl sighed heavily. "I don't see the markers we left along the way, either," she points out.

"In that case... The cursed spirit isn't using a barrier that creates a loop in the mansion. It keeps overlapping space as we move forward," her companion, a female with long white hair dressed up in a high ponytail, states.

"Or it's a ridiculously huge barrier," the raven-haired girl replied.

"Maybe. But unlikely," the white-haired female puts her hand against a wall which squishes. "The walls are impenetrable too."

"Let's split up," the shorter female says.

This causes the taller female to look over.

"The overlapping theory is the most likely one. Let's split up and move unpredictably. If the spirit's barrier can't keep up, we should be able to get out. If one of us can get out, they can attack from the outside...or even call for help," the raven-haired female explains.

"Sounds good. Let's try it," the white-haired female agreed.

The raven-haired female then turned away and started running with all her force.


The loud sound of the building crashed to the ground minutes after it was heard, and a smug white-haired teenage boy was seen standing on a piece of debris.

"I came to save you... Utahime! You cryin'?" The teenager asks, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief and amusement.

This student went by the name of Satoru Gojo, a second-year at Jujutsu High.

"I'm not crying! Respect your elders!" Utahime Iori, a Grade 2 sorcerer, shouts from where she is in the debris that had fallen on top of her.

"If I cry, will you console me? I wouldn't say no to that," the white-haired female says as she walks up to Gojo.

This female was Mei Mei, a Grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer.

Gojo looked over at the other female. "You wouldn't cry. You're too strong," he tells her.

"Oh? Heh heh..." Mei Mei chuckled.

"Gojo! I didn't...ask for your–" Utahime starts to say as she gets out of the debris, not noticing the cursed spirit behind her until a loud crunch is heard.

Another cursed spirit had appeared, grabbing the one that was about to attack Utahime from behind into its jaws.

"Don't swallow it. We'll take it in later," a male with long raven hair dressed up in a bun could be seen walking over with a smile on his lips. "Satoru. It's not nice to pick on the weak."

And this jujutsu sorcerer?

This is Suguru Geto, a second-year student at Jujutsu High.

"Who the heck would pick on someone strong? You're the one who's picking on her, Geto. You don't even know it," Gojo replied.

Utahime looked over at Geto with an annoyed look as she gritted her teeth.

"Shut up!" Geto replied as he walked up the steps.

"Utahimeeee... Are you okay?" A female with neck-length brown hair asks.

"Shoko!!" Utahime cried out in relief.

Shoko waved. "We were worried about you since you didn't call for two days," the second-year jujutsu sorcerer says.

Utahime immediately hugged the female.

"Shoko!! Don't become like those two, okay?!" Utahime pleads.

"Ha ha ha! No way I'll become trash like that," Shoko laughed.

"Two days?" Utahime questions.

Gojo then turned his attention over to Mei Mei. "Oh, so it was something like the barrier messing with time. It's rare, but it does happen. We thought it was weird even though you're here, Mei."

"Looks like it. Anyway... Where's the curtain?" Mei Mei asks.

The three second-years froze up, realizing that every single one of them had fucked up.


"Next up, an accident in Hamamatsu City in Shizuoka Prefecture results in an explosion. Is wear and tear on old piping to blame?! We take it over to Fushi the reporter at the scene!" The newswoman says on the television.

"Someone here said they'd put up a curtain...and left the assistant manager behind. And forgot about the curtain too. Fess up," a man by the name of Masamichi Yaga, a Grade 1 sorcerer, states.

Shoko and Geto immediately pointed fingers at Gojo who lifted his hand.

"Sensei! We're better than pointing fingers at each other!" Gojo exclaimed.

"So it's you!" Masamichi scoffed before punching Gojo on top of his head.


"Are curtains...even necessary in the first place? Does it even matter if regular people see us? It's not like they can see cursed spirits or jujutsu anyway," Gojo grumbled.

Shoko was trying on Gojo's black filtered glasses, with an amazed look on her face.

The trio were currently sitting inside of a gymnasium.

"Of course, it matters. The containment of cursed spirits is of the utmost importance for the citizens' peace of mind. For that reason, keeping unseen threats confidential is important. Not only th–" Geto explains just to be cut off.

"Yeah, yeah. Gotcha," Gojo muttered.

Shoko walked over to Gojo and placed his glasses onto his face, receiving a grateful smile on his lips in response.

"It's such a pain looking out for the weak," Gojo sighs.

"Society should protect the weak...and keep the strong in check. You see, Satoru...jujutsu exists to protect non-jujutsu users," Geto replied.

"Being righteous?" Gojo unexpectedly piped up, surprising Geto. "I...hate that stuff!" Gojo steals the basketball that was in Geto's hands and shoots it in the basket.

"What?" Geto questions.

"Applying reasoning and responsibility to jujutsu is what weak people do," Gojo begins.

"Perfect time for a smoke break," Shoko makes her escape and leaves the gymnasium.

"Don't get all proud of yourself for spouting that garbage. Blech!" Gojo makes a disgusted face as he sticks his tongue out.

A cursed spirit slowly appears from a wormhole behind Geto.

"Let's take this outside...Satoru!" Geto declared.

"You lonely? Go by yourself!" Gojo replied.

The gymnasium's sliding doors opened, showing Masamichi's figure.

Geto and Gojo quickly looked away from each other as if nothing was about to go down.

"Where's Shoko?" Masamichi asks.

"Who knows?" Geto replied with a smile.

"Maybe the bathroom?" Gojo continued with a smile of his own.

"Doesn't matter. For this mission, I'm going to have you two go together," Masamichi states.

Gojo and Geto made annoyed faces.

"What's with the faces?"


Yaga sighed but continued to talk. "To be quite honest, it's quite the responsibility since...this comes from Master Tengen."

The two teenagers looked over at Masamichi in surprise.

"There are two objectives. Master Tengen, has found the perfect Star Plasma Vessel. Escort the girl...and erase her."

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