The Shibuya Incident, Part 21

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Choso clapped his hands together, sending a blood manipulation attack in Itadori's direction.

A deep cut was seen under Itadori's right eye as blood rolled down his face.

The boy didn't seem bothered by it because his attention was all on the male in front of him.

'Dammit! He's keeping his distance from me. That blood beam is too fast. My chances of dodging it are fifty-fifty. If I were to guess wrong and take one to the head... I'd die!' Itadori thought.

Choso had both of his hands pressed against each other, multiple blood bubbles wobbling in the air as it surrounded him.

'If that's the case, then at least...' Itadori trailed off in thought.

Choso's eyes widened as he watched Itadori jump into the air with a calm look.

'...I can dictate the timing of when he fires his shot.' Itadori finished thinking, his eyes on Choso the whole time.

Choso's eyes relaxed when he realized what the pink-haired teenager was doing.

'Taking your feet off the ground, huh...? You're obviously baiting me, but I'll play along.' Choso thought before sending piercing blood in Itadori's direction.

The attack changed its direction which surprised Itadori when he saw how close it had gotten to him.

Before it could hit him, Itadori ducked and quickly ran straight at Choso.

'Not bad, but...!' Choso watched as Itadori appeared before him.

'I knew it! This technique only moves fast at the beginning! As long as I dodge it, even if it changes directions, I can still get in close. I'll turn this into a fistfight!!' Itadori thought.

The teenager's eyes widened as he heard Choso's next words.

"Supernova," Choso calmly says.

The blood that was in the air exploded hitting Itadori head-on in his back.

"GACK...!!" Itadori choked out.

Choso immediately creates an arrow out of blood and stabs Itadori in the feet with it.

Even though he was in pain, Itadori pivoted his foot a little and brought his left leg up to bring in a kick up to Choso's head.

Choso's eyes widened in surprise as he quickly retaliated with a block which caused the blood arrow to pierce him as well.

'Fighting back with a stabbed foot...!!' Choso thought in disbelief.

Itadori dropped himself to his hands and swung his body upward which caused him to lift himself and bring down an axe kick straight down onto Choso's figure.

As Choso was sent backward from the kick, Itadori used this momentum to push himself away from the dark-haired male to gain some distance away from the two of them.

'Those blood orbs he makes before the beam! I gotta stop him from making them!!' Itadori thought as he began to run forward just to freeze when he saw Choso clap his hands together, no blood orbs in sight.

"GAH!" Itadori exclaimed.

'He can fire without the orbs?! Or does he still have some le–' Itadori began to think but Choso dropped his hands to his waist clenched into fists.

Itadori gritted his teeth as he noticed how Choso moved in closer to him.

'A fake out!!' Itadori realized.

Choso hits Itadori under his chin before sweeping a kick to the back of the teenager's knees which causes Itadori to start falling to the side.

Without giving Itadori time to make a response, Choso bends his fingers and covers the palm of his hand with his thumb before hitting Itadori on the side of his head.

A loud crash followed as Itadori was slammed into the wall beside him.

The pink-haired teenager quickly got himself back onto his feet, just to meet Choso pointing both of his hands in his direction again.

"Piercing blood," Choso coldly says.

The attack hits Itadori head-on in the abdomen which sends the teenager skidding back.

"Tch! I was impatient..." Choso muttered. 'It wasn't condensed enough.' He thought to himself.

'Crap! This guy's...strong!!' Itadori thought.

"Hey! Hey!" A voice from the miniature Mechamaru says from Itadori's hip. "What's going on?!" Kokichi asks.


Mirai narrows their eyes as they watch (Y/n) head in their direction.

"You! You bastard! You killed Hiro... I'll fucking kill you!!" They shouted.

(Y/n) seemed unbothered by the threat, noticing that he was in a different part of Shibuya, but was still close to the others by a good 150 or 250 meters at best.

"Oh, you're the other one..." (Y/n) muttered.

Mirai pointed in (Y/n)'s direction. "C'mon, you stupid fox!"

A sigh escaped (Y/n)'s lips as he ran a hand through the strands of (H/c) that fell into his face and pushed them back.

"I guess I'm fighting. Damn it," he grumbled.

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