The Shibuya Incident, Part 29

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Toji glared at Dagon as he stabbed the cursed womb through the middle of the head with a sharpened Playful Cloud that he had in his hands.

"It's not...over y–" Dagon begins to say just to have Toji stab him in the eye with the other sharpened side of Playful Cloud.

Maki, Naobito, Megumi, and Nanami watched the fight from a good distance in silence.

The sound of metal chains breaking was heard, with Toji being seen immediately stabbing Dagon non-stop and exorcising him.

Because of this, Dagon's domain expansion broke and sent everyone out of it.

"The domain...!" Maki murmured. 'He really did exorcise that curse all by himself...' She thought.

Heavy panting left Megumi's lips as blood dripped down his nose.

Nanami looked over at the raven-haired boy, seeing just how exhausted he was.

'If Fushiguro hadn't shown up...we would've undoubtedly all been killed. But now it's on to the next problem.' Nanami thought before bringing his attention over to Toji. 'Is he on our side...?'

A loud shatter was heard next when Megumi was thrown out of the room and into the outside world by Toji throwing him into the window.

'Huh?' Megumi's eyes widened as he felt a hand grab onto his uniform and throw him again.

The teenager quickly landed on his feet and stared at the man who had single-handedly exorcised Dagon by himself.

'He brought me out here before I knew what happened! That was ridiculously fast. Maybe even faster...that time! Who the this guy?!' Megumi wondered.

"Megumi!" Maki yelled before realizing something strong had just appeared behind her.

"Dagon... So you have passed..." Jogo muttered as he picked up the ashes of what was left of Dagon.

'C'mon. Are you kidding me?' Naobito thought in disbelief.

'Compared to that curse Dagon... This one's on another level!!' Nanami thought.

"Leave the rest to me," Jogo clenches his fist shut. "Our souls will continue to circulate regardless of humanity's fate. We'll meet again in the hundred years from now. Now then..." He trails off and tosses his hand to the side as he glares at the sorcerers.

Without having enough time to react, Jogo appeared before Nanami and placed his hand on him.

Nanami's eye widened as he looked at Jogo.

"That's one," Jogo coldly says.

Flames engulfed Nanami's upper half of his body.

"Nana–" Maki called out just to be met with flames not even a second later.

"That's two," Jogo muttered before turning his attention to Naobito who appeared behind him.

Two volcanoes surrounded the sorcerer from behind.

One on the wall, and the other one on a nearby pillar.

Jogo brought his hand down and allowed his attack to hit Naobito head-on, killing the man instantly.

"That's three."

A cold shiver ran up Jogo's spine as he felt a power wave through the area which caused him to jerk his attention in the direction he felt it come from.

'Sukuna... No! It's a finger!! A finger was released somewhere in Shinjuku!' Jogo thought.


"Let's hurry, Nanako. The finger might attract cursed spirits," Mimiko says.

"I know. Please, come out...Master Sukuna," Nanako murmured as she forced the unconscious Itadori to swallow multiple fingers.

Jogo came to a skidding stop and saw the two girls.

The three of them stared at each other as Itadori's body absorbed the power of Sukuna's fingers which were given to him.

"Tch! You! How many fingers did you feed him?!" Jogo yelled.

"W-We're not gonna tell you!" Mimiko replied.

"Mimiko!" Nanako shouted.

"Fine. Then die," Jogo says.

Nanako quickly grabbed onto Mimiko and pointed her phone at Jogo.


Jogo sent flames at the two before approaching the unconscious Itadori, noticing the markings on his face were still there.

'Good. The marks are still there. Not how I would've hoped, but I'll make my best of it.' Jogo thought.

"Even if Yuji Itadori were to consume all 20 fingers...he probably still wouldn't lose control of his body to Sukuna. That's if he's consumed...a finger a day for 20 days. If he were to consume ten fingers at once, he probably wouldn't be able to counteract it...and although temporary, he would lose control of his body to Sukuna," Kenjaku says.

Jogo pulled out a seal and opened it up to show multiple fingers.

"Time to wake up... Sukuna!" He exclaimed.


Feeling the presence of Sukuna, (Y/n) brought his attention to the direction he felt the man's cursed energy.

Seeing that he had his attention elsewhere, Mirai ran forward.

"I'm going to kill you, you stupid fox!" They yelled as they jumped into the air, about to send an attack at the (H/c)-haired male.

Before they could even reach him, Mirai froze mid-air.

Their eye widened when they saw (Y/n) holding out a hand in their direction.

"Even though you were not that powerful, your domain showed just how risk-taking you were," (Y/n) says.

Mirai didn't even have enough time to scream as blue flames pierced through them at every angle.

(Y/n) slowly balled his hand shut which made the flames swallow the curse whole.

As he turned his back and walked away with his domain falling and disappearing, the blue flames disappeared and Mirai was no longer there.

"I guess it's time for a reunion, huh... Sukuna?"

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