Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event- Team Battle, Part 1

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"T-Minus one minute until we begin! And now a word of encouragement from Ms. Utahime," Gojo's voice says from the speakers.

Utahime's flabbergasted voice could be heard in the background.

"Uh... Some injuries will be unavoidable. So, um let's help each other and-" Utahime was cut off.

"Time's up," Gojo's voice said from the speakers once more.

"Gojo! You little-"

"It's time for the Goodwill Event to..." Gojo trails off.

"Where's Todo?" Noritoshi asks.

"How should I know?" Mai replied.

'Can't we just get along?' Miwa thought.


"Respect your elders! Bip... Kzzt!"

The Tokyo and Kyoto students went off the second the speakers went off.

"Is that an Ichiro reference?!" Itadori asks as he takes notice of the reference he pointed out.

"How stupid," Nobara mumbled.

"Where do you think the boss curse is located?" Itadori asks Panda.

(Y/n)'s eyes kept forward as he ran beside Nobara, Megumi, and the dog that Megumi summoned from his shadows.

"Probably somewhere in the center. I doubt it'll stick around there though," Panda answers.

"At the designated time, we'll split into the Panda and Megumi teams just like we discussed. The rest is up to you, Yuji," Maki says.

"Got it!" Itadori replied, saluting his upperclassman.

The shikigami barks as it notifies the group about the upcoming curse.

"Where are you going?" The curse asks.

"It's grade 3!" Panda says.

"Senpai! Stop!" Megumi shouts.

A shirtless Todo comes out of nowhere, breaking a nearby branch.

"Good! Everyone's here!! Let's have everyone...come at me at once!" Todo shouts.

Todo's eyes widened as he felt hands wrap around his head, just to be kneed in the face by Itadori.

"Split up!" Maki ordered loudly.

Maki, Megumi, Nobara, Panda, Inumaki, and (Y/n) all split up in different directions with their respective groups that they were all put into.

"He came alone after all," Megumi says.

"We were right to switch with Yuji," Maki replied.

"He's a beast," Nobara points out as she looks at the ongoing fight in the corner of her eyes.

"Yeah, just ignore him," Panda replied.

"Tuna," Inumaki piped in.

"Hm," (Y/n) hummed out.

"Todo will definitely come straight at us. Mai might follow suit and target me. Todo's a handful. Worst case scenario, even our combined strength might not be enough to take him down. At first, I was thinking about positioning someone in the rest to keep him occupied - maybe Panda or Megumi..." Maki trails off, "Itadori!"

Itadori points at himself, confused.

"We'll leave Todo to you. I don't want to lose anyone who can help locate the enemy. You don't have to win. Just buy us as much time as you can," Maki gives the pink-haired male a thumbs up.

Panda does the same. "Give it your all! To be honest, you and (Y/n) are extra players, so it's okay if you go down."

"How rude!" Itadori huffed out.

"Hm... Maybe we should have a game night sooner or later. Maybe like Super Smash Bros or somethin'," (Y/n) mutters as he scrolls through his phone.

"Salmon," Inumaki quietly agrees.

"Hm... Kirby or Jigglypuff? I can annoy the hell out of everyone here by spamming their attacks," (Y/n) whispered to himself.

"Sorry, Megumi. I bet you want to fight Todo."

"It doesn't matter either way."

Panda sweatdrops. "Sheesh, you're dry."

"If I'm gonna fight, then... I'm gonna win," Itadori declared.

Todo and Itadori slid backward, both of them in fighting stances.

"Pretty good speed," Todo compliments.

'No way! I thought I had him.' Itadori thought in surprise.

"Here's one right back at ya, first year! Defend yerself as if your life depends on it!" Todo shouts as he pulls back a punch.

The curse from earlier appears. "Wheeeerree?"

Todo punches the cursed spirit instead but continues to push his attack at Itadori who brings his arms up to block.

Itadori slams hard into a tree behind him.

The said teenager stared at his arms as he trembled. 'My arms... Are still there? I thought they were gone. If that curse didn't get in the way, it would've been worse.' He thought.


Itadori lifts his head just to meet eye contact with Todo's foot who smashes him into the tree behind him.

Blood went flying and landed on the tree.

Itadori's hand twitched, which surprised Todo who was about to send in another attack to finish off the injured male.

"Done already... Well then," Todo turns around, "Where to..." He trails off.

Soft chuckling was heard which caused Todo to freeze as he looked over at Itadori.

"You're kidding."

An irked Itadori could be seen.

"Why'd you go and pound my face like that?! You coulda made me even dumber!" Itadori shouts.

"Don't worry... Takada says, "Dumb guys are perfect."," Todo quotes.

"Who's that? I don't care about pop idols," Itadori states.

"Then how do you know she's an idol? You know her. First year, what's your name?" Todo asks.

"Yuji Itadori," Itadori answers.

"I see. Yuji Itadori. I have one question for you. What type of girl or you like?" Todo asks.


All of a sudden, (Y/n) sneezes which causes the group he was in to jolt.

"Who the hell is thinking about me during a time like this?" (Y/n) grumbled.

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