The Shibuya Incident, Part 46

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"Time to kick it up a notch, Itadori!" Mahito yelled.

Itadori, Todo, and Mahito were standing on a landing created by the multiple transfigured humans that Mahito had paired together to create one huge transfigured creation.

"This could be our last chance to curse each other!" The cursed spirit exclaimed.

"Hey, now. Did you...forget about me?!" Todo asks as he claps his hands together just to appear behind Mahito and wrap his arms around the male cursed spirit.

As Todo slams Mahito to the ground to keep him still, Itadori approaches the curse and swung his foot just for Mahito to dismember himself.

Itadori tched in annoyance. 'Dismemberment!' He thought.

The headless body suddenly grew two eyes that would remind someone of a snail due to how wide they were.

As the curse went for an attack at the two, Itadori and Todo quickly got out of the way before the attack could land on them.

The curse then started to send out a flurry of attacks which Itadori and Todo blocked.

"Soul multiplicity... Polymorphic soul isomer!!" Mahito exclaimed as he summons a transfigured human.

'A transfigured human!' Todo thought before clapping his hands multiple times, which sent him to the other side of the battlefield as Itadori fought with the snail-eyed curse that was wearing Mahito's clothes.

'There's no way it's a simple 50-50 split! Considering he was able to keep brother and me at's most likely 80-20 split of strength! The fact that he used his cursed technique despite keeping his distance must mean that the weakened 20 is the real body! I'll leave that one for brother to finish off! I'd say the transfigured humans is around a grade 2 or 3! Let's take care of it quickly, Aoi Todo!' Todo declared in his head.

However, the transfigured human punched Todo which surprised him.


"Todo!" Itadori yelled.

Mahito laughed. "Ha ha! You underestimated me!" He exclaimed.

Due to the force of the punch, Todo was sent flying into a nearby building which was already destroyed on the inside.

The transfigured human quickly followed after the sorcerer, leaving behind the others.

Landing on its feet in front of Todo, a piece of debris covered in cursed energy was going above its head.

With the help of a piece of debris, Todo took this chance to clap his hands together and switch with it so that he could get closer to the transfigured human.

Todo swung a punch at the back of its head which sent it barreling into the ground, killing it in one go.

'It's dead!! All that power and it only took one hit... I get it! That explosive power was a result of expending so many souls at once! Transfigured human attack specialists. And there're...two more!!' He thought as he watched two more transfigured humans walk up to him.

Todo brought his necklace up and pressed his lips against it. "Forgive poor souls."


'I'm finally free of the topknot gorilla. Time to...pile it on!!' Mahito thought as he slammed multiple transfigured humans between his feet.

Itadori's eyes widened as multiple mouths with teeth and sharp blade-like spines darted at him.

The pink-haired teenager quickly jumped over the transfigured humans and sent his whole body toward Mahito, sending in a kick which was blocked.

Wrapping his hands around one of Itadori's legs, Mahito threw Itadori and sent the teenager flying off the platform and into the ground below.

Itadori's body went hitting the ground before skidding to a stop on his feet.

Mahito had a wide grin on his lips which fell when he saw Todo standing right beside the person he's been wanting to fight this whole time.

"You really...don't want me to join in on the fun, huh?" Todo asked as he bent his wrists to place them onto his waist.

Mahito took in the damage that Todo was able to do.

'Even two polymorphic soul isomers weren't enough?! It's gonna be hard landing a hit on him. That said, if I use domain expansion...I'll be Sukuna! Barrier techniques are complicated. I don't have the skill to exclude Itadori from the domain. So, what to do... I learned from that guy...' Mahito trailed off in thought.

"Domain expansion."

Itadori and Todo's eyes widened.

'Isn't this suicide?!' Todo thought.

'It's all or nothing!' Mahito thought, miniature hands forming in his mouth to create hand signs.

"Self embodiment of perfection."

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