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All of a sudden, every single talisman burst up into flames which captured everyone's attention that was in the room.

"Huh?" Utahime gasped out, "Game over...? And all Tokyo red?"

"Strange. My crows haven't seen anything either," Mei Mei says.

"I'd like to say, as the GTG–Great Teacher Gojo–that my students exorcised them," Gojo replied.

"But even when exorcised with non-registered cursed energy, it'll burn red," Masamichi states.

"It must be an outsider, maybe an intruder?" Utahime questions.

"Does that mean Master Tengen's protective barrier isn't working?" Mei Mei asks.

Junpei stares at the television with worry as he listens to the conversation around him.

"Intruder or not...this is an unexpected situation," Gakuganji piped in.

"I'm heading over to Master Tengen. Satoru, you go with Principal Gakuganji to rescue the students. Mei will stay here and try to get a lock in where the students are located. Please let Satoru and the others know as soon as you find out," Masamichi orders.

"Understood. I'll be expecting a bonus," Mei Mei agrees.

Gojo clapped his hands together. "Let's go, grandpa! Time for your walk! You had your lunch already, remember?"

"Let's hurry."

A small smirk slips onto Gojo's lips as he sends a text to a very specific cursed spirit that is hidden within the group of kids.


(Y/n) feels his phone buzz which causes him to pull it out of his pocket to stare at the message he was sent.

His eyes scanned the words before chuckling lowly. "I wasn't gonna ask for your permission either way," he then looked upward to notice a curtain that was swallowing up the area.

(Y/n) just replies to Gojo's text with a simple thumbs-up emoji before returning his phone to his pocket.

"Let's have at least some fun, shall we?"


Gojo reaches a hand out toward the curtain just to have it repelled instead.

He gazed at his hand as it steamed. 'What is this weird feeling?' He wondered.

"Hey," Utahime calls out.

Gojo looks over at Utahime and Gakuganji.

"Why did you get repelled...and I didn't?" Utahime asks.

Gojo stays quiet for a few moments before grinning. "I see. Utahime and gramps, you two go ahead," he says. "This curtain... In exchange for denying Satoru Gojo gives everyone else free access!" He states.

Gakuganji and Utahime stare at him in shock.

"There's a very skilled curse user there. And they seem to have a fair amount of info on us."

"C'mon, get going already. I dunno what their objective is...but if even a single person dies, we lose."


'Where did (Y/n) go? Wasn't he behind us?' Megumi wondered.

"Why is there a cursed spirit here? And whose curtain is that?" Noritoshi asks as he stares at Hanami.

"It's probably coming from whoever is working with this cursed spirit," Megumi answers.

Inumaki coughs.

"Huh? You know something?" Noritoshi questions.

"I think it's the special grade cursed spirit that attacked Gojo-sensei before. It matches the description. I can tell even from that guy's drawing," Megumi explains.

"Tuna mayo," Inumaki piped in, making a single-hand sign that looked like a phone.

"Yes, you're right. Let's call Gojo-sensei," Megumi agrees.

"Wait a minute... You can understand what he's saying?" Noritoshi asks in surprise.

Megumi chooses Gojo's contact on his phone and waits for the male to answer.

"Does that matter right now? It might use domain expansion on us. We need to contact Gojo-sensei and...retreat–" Megumi goes quiet when he sees Hanami behind Noritoshi who has a single eye widened.

Hanami hits Megumi's phone away, causing it to crack thanks to the force.

"Don't move!" Inumaki orders.

Hanami pauses as the trio gets a good enough distance away from him.

Noritoshi was the first person to send in an attack with his blood manipulation with Megumi following next with an attack made by Nue.

Due to getting in close, Megumi used a blade he had and swiped it above Hanami's knee.

As Hanami speaks to the trio inside of their heads, blue flames made out of cursed energy surround the group.

"Sorry for the late arrival."

If Hanami had eyes, his eyes would've widened in fear the moment he felt a giant magnitude of evil cursed energy behind him that felt human-like.

"(Y/n)!" Megumi shouts.

"Tuna!" Inumaki exclaimed.

'Where did he come from?!' Noritoshi thought in surprise.

(Y/n) flips his body forward as he uses one of his hands to grasp Hanami's helmet-like head while using his other hand to grab onto one of the branches protruding out of his face.

Using all of his upper body strength, (Y/n) flips Hanami's figure over his head the second the (H/c)-haired male landed on his feet, just to simply slam Hanami's whole figure straight into the concrete.

This causes a huge crack thanks to the force.

Noritoshi, Inumaki, and Megumi stared eyes wide at the (E/c)-eyed male in disbelief and shock.

At that moment, only one question came to mind for all three students.

Just how strong was (Y/n) actually?

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