The Shibuya Incident, Part 40

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Itadori pushed himself and jumped as Mahito attacked one of the turnstiles.

With a smirk on his lips, Mahito started running down a hallway just to come to a skidding stop and slide underneath one of the railings as he threw a transfigured human into the wall.

The transfigured human groans as Itadori jumps over a concrete wall and continues to chase after Mahito.

'He's using delayed transfiguration to fling humans!' Itadori thought.

Mahito could be seen elevated above a metal railing beside Itadori, a punch and kick being sent his way.

The pink-haired teenager ducked and grabbed onto Mahito's leg transfigured into being longer.

"Crap!" Mahito exclaimed.

A grunt left Itadori's lips as he sliced off Mahito's leg by throwing it into the concrete ground.

The cursed spirit then elongated his left arm before returning it to himself.

As Mahito jumped backward, Itadori jumped onto the metal railing.

'If I take a risk and mess up the timing, I could end up dead. I'll stick to using transfigured humans for now.' Mahito thought.

"Ohh... That was scary!" The cursed spirit mocked.

'Delayed transfiguration, body dismemberment, and merging... He has more moves now,' Itadori realized.

'Reducing risk isn't the only reason I'm using transfigured humans.' Mahito mused.

The cursed spirit then quickly ran away, which made Itadori shocked and chase after him.

As Itadori came around the corner, he saw two guys standing there.

"A student?!" The first man asks.

"Hey, come this way! It's dangerous over there with all those monsters!" The second man shouted.

'Where's Mahito...? Upstairs!' Itadori thought as he started walking by the two.

"Sorry, but nowhere's safe in Shibuya. Try to stay somew–" Itadori begins to say just for the man with a beaning on his head to have his mouth wide open and have a fist send Itadori flying.

'Dammit! He–' Itadori clenched his teeth as his back hit the ground while Mahito appeared out of the transfigured human's mouth while placing a hand on the man's chest.

"Huh?" The man muttered as he fell to his knees.

"You really need to work on that imagination of yours," Mahito states as he turns the human into a sword with his technique.

"Stop it!" Itadori shouted.

'Transfigured humans...' Mahito trailed off.

"Are you stupid? You gonna stop me," Mahito asks.

'...are effective for breaking down Itadori's mental resolve plus...we're gonna more card to the hand.' Mahito stared at Itadori with an amused smile on his lips.

"Dagon. Go ahead and eat whatever's in the way," Mahito ordered.

Dagon released a whole bunch of water, gathering up all the humans that were on the floor.

The sounds of screams were heard as they were all sucked into Dagon's stomach.

"I've plenty in stock now. Do what you want with the rest of the humans, but leave the ones at B5F. Okay! On with the plan to kill Itadori!" Mahito happily says.

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