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Itadori slams both of his fists on the domain expansion that was the shape of a sphere.

"You're kidding me!" Itadori shouts.

'Why was only Nanamin trapped?! At this rate... At this rate...' The pink-haired male thought.

(Y/n) leans against the sphere, tapping his fingers against his forearm.


'Domain expansion... It's an area constructed with cursed energy. Once trapped inside, all hits are fatal and cannot be evaded. It's also a technique that I was never able to master. Most likely, his cursed technique that messes with one's soul has a condition– he must touch his target with the palm of his hand while in this base form. But if I'm in his domain, where I am helpless against his attacks, that means I am now... Literally in the palm...of his hands.' Nanami thought as he stood in front of Mahito. 'Jujutsu sorcerers are trash. You have to force your comrades to accept the notion that they must willingly sacrifice their lives. That's why I quit. More like ran away, I suppose.' He heavily sighed.

"Do you like...this bread?" A woman asks as she looks over at Nanami with a soft smile on her lips.

"Huh?" Nanami questions.

"Huh?" The woman repeated back. "It's just that you always buy this," she points out.

"Uh... Yes, I do. They no longer sell it at the local convenience store," Nanami explains.

A woman laughed softly. "Ours is better than the convenience store's, isn't it?" She hands over the bread she had packed up for the man before her.

"Well, you run a bakery, after all," Nanami bluntly replied.

"Wow! You're too harsh!" She laughed, not noticing the cursed spirit on her shoulder. "Please come again..."

Nanami walks out of the bakery deep in thought.

'A fly head... It should be fine, even if left alone. I'd hate to do something and be mistaken for a weird exorcist or something.' He thought.


"Getting some sales?" A co-worker of Nanami, asks.

"Caring for a customer's money is the same as caring for their life. It goes without saying that risk and profit is a balancing act. You don't have to do anything special at the start. Just remember to be sincere with the customers, okay?"


The co-worker with slicked-back hair threw an arm around Nanami's shoulder. "Naaanami. You're way too stiff. The newbie's gettin' all nervous!" He then turned toward the newbie, "Hey, rookie, all you gotta do is make a profit! Profit for the company means profit for the customer too!"

"Even if it means buying a dead-end stock for the customer at a ridiculous price?"

"Of course! We're the experts who're watching the market every day! It's legit money! Nanami! This is your second year here! You're smart, go more crazy! You can do it!" Nanami's co-worker exclaimed before walking away.


"Right now...I feel grateful to you," Mahito says.

"Keep your gratitude. I've revived plenty of it already. I have no regrets," Nanami replied as he took his glasses off.

Two loud crashes were heard from above, causing Mahito and Nanami to look upward.

"Sorry for the late arrival, Nanamin," (Y/n) apologized as if he didn't just slam a kick into the barrier, sending it crashing down which allowed him and Itadori to enter the domain by exposing the duo inside of it to the outside world once more.

Mahito and Nanami stared at the duo in surprise as Itadori and (Y/n) made their appearance so casually.

Mahito's eyes trembled when he realized that he was once more standing in front of Sukuna and his throne.

"I thought...I told you...there wouldn't be a second time," Sukuna coldly says as he holds up two fingers, attacking Mahito.

Mahito grins as he holds his bleeding wound when he is kicked out of Sukuna's soul once more with no remorse.

The trio watches as Mahito falls to his knees, silence being heard between the four of them.

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