Young Fish and Reverse Punishment, Part 4

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Mahito and Nanami go straight at each other with an attack going at one another.

Nanami lifts his right foot, and sends a kick straight into Mahito's chest, causing the said male to skid backward from the force.

The blonde-haired man starts swinging his weapon off to his side as he walks up to Mahito, sending the sharpened blade downward to land on Mahito's weak spot just to fail due to the other blocking the incoming attack.

This surprised Mahito and he jumped backward to get a little bit of a distance away from Nanami.

He then started swinging his detached hand back and forth.

"I thought I defended properly... I used cursed energy. Was that some kind of cursed technique?" Mahito asks.

"What do you mean by "some" kind? I don't appreciate questions that are left open to interpretation," Nanami replied.

"Oh good. Seems you don't mind talking," Mahito says.

Nanami kept his usual frown on his lips. "That depends on who I'm talking to."

Mahito smirked. "Hey. The soul or body. Which do you think came first? You know... like the chicken or the egg. Does the soul dwell in the body? Or is the body built on the soul?" He asks.

'I guess I'll humor him...' Nanami thought.

"The former," Nanami answered.

"Wrong. The answer is the latter. The soul should always exist before the body. The shape of the body...will always be dependent on the shape of the soul," Mahito states as he reforms his hand to reconnect to his body. "I'm not healing. Instead, I'm reinforcing the shape of my soul. You get it now, don't you? My cursed technique can touch and reshape the soul."

Nanami watched Mahito transfigure a human turned cursed into a small object.

"I make humans small and store them. It's pretty hard, y'know. An ordinary person eventually dies after being transfigured. But what about a jujutsu sorcerer?" Mahito asks.

Nanami lifts his arm to check the time. "It's 5:30... I started work today at ten, matter what...I'm clocking out by six."



Junpei lifted his head, taking notice of a man sitting on a step.

"Where were you? You can't skip out on school like that."

Junpei shuddered. "Sotomura... Sensei..."

The man gets up and turns toward Junpei.

"Why'd you run away? Did you hear? Sayama, Nishimura, and Honda...all died. You...were all friends, right?" Sotomura asks.

"Huh?" Junpei's eyes widened.

"They always looked out for you...since you don't have friends. And you weren't even at their funeral."

'Friends? Me? With them?' Junpei thought.

"C'mon, I'll go with you..."

'He's insane.'

"Let's offer up some incense."

Junpei's eyes shined with a mixture of insanity and anger. "Teachers... All of you go to graduate school and then find work at a school. You haven't experienced the real world, have you? That's why adults...who are just big kids like you exist," he mumbled.

"What're you mumbling about? Spending too much time by yourself got you crazy? Just kidding! Ha ha ha!"

Junpei brings up a hand sign to his face, just to be stopped by Itadori.

"Stop!!" Itadori hollers, causing Junpei and Sotomura to look over.

Junpei's eyes widened when he saw the curse being held by Itadori.

"Gah!" Itadori cried out before flipping and landing on his feet.

Junpei sweatdropped as Itadori walked up to him.

"Hey. There's somethin' I gotta ask you. Come with me for a sec," Itadori says.

Junpei's eyes then landed on the button on Itadori's uniform.

"Hold on, can't you see I'm talking to him right now? How rude!"

"Sorry, but it's really important," Itadori apologized.

"Important?! What does some kid know?! Besides, what kinda uni–" Sotomura was cut off by Itadori pulling down his pants.

Junpei becomes dot-eyed as he watches Itadori steal Sotomura's pants.

"Grk... You little brat! Stop it! Please don't–!"

Sotomura chases after Itadori.

"What just happened?" Junpei asked himself, dumbfounded on what to think about the situation.

"All right, let's gooo!" Itadori says from behind, causing Junpei to turn his head in that direction in surprise.

"Huh?! That was quick! Did you go around the block?!" Junpei exclaimed in disbelief. "You didn't have to do that... You could have just dragged me off," he adds.

"I guess. But you don' him, right?" Itadori asked.

"Why...?" Junpei trails off when he realizes that Itadori was right.

"It's just a hunch. Am I wrong?!" Itadori asks, worried.

"No, you're not," Junpei reassured.

"You don't want someone you hate hanging around your house, right?" Itadori questions. "This way..."

"Yeah..." Junpei murmured.

Itadori looks in the corner of his eyes, taking notice of (Y/n) sending a wave in his direction before disappearing behind a wall.

The pink-haired male knew that he'd be seeing the (H/c)-haired male in a few, so he didn't question it since it was a part of the plan that was set up.

Itadori appears and takes away Junpei, and (Y/n) meets them somewhere out in the open, but in a secluded area where no one would bother them.


Mahito sits with his transfigured hoofed-like legs crossed on a metal railing, grinning down at an injured Nanami.

"Is that it...Grade 1 sorcerer?" Mahito teases.

A sigh left Nanami's lips. "How unfortunate," he muttered.

Mahito's eyes widened when he sensed that change in the atmosphere.

'What? His cursed energy...' Mahito trailed off in thought.

Nanami lifts a hand and fixes his tie.

"I'm now...working overtime."

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