Hidden Inventory, Part 7

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Toji once went to see that Gojo kid with the six eyes...to see what the fuss was all about.

He could remember when the young Gojo had looked over at him when the young boy had walked by him.

This had surprised the older man seeing as many people usually ignored his presence since they never sensed him near them at all.

It was the first and last time anyone was aware of his presence when he was standing behind him.

Those haunting, cold blue eyes gazed at him with a calculating stare deep into his green eyes.


'That's why I waited until you were worn down.' Toji mused.

Gojo sent a blast of cursed energy from behind which sent Toji flying backward.

Geto brings a hand forward and sends out a cursed spirit that looks like a giant parasite.

It didn't take long for a loud chomp to be heard.

"Satoru!" Geto yelled as he ran over to Gojo's side.

Gojo brought a hand up to stop Geto from coming close to help him.

"It's fine. I didn't cast my cursed technique in time, but he didn't hit any vital organs. And I reinforced my cursed energy to make sure the sword didn't do any further damage. Kinda like a safety pin going through a knitted sweater," Gojo says as he slowly gets up onto his feet despite his blood dripping down to the ground below him. "Really, I'm good," he reassured.

The white-haired teenager then looked over at Geto. "Amanai is the priority. I'll take care of this. Get to Master Tengen's place quickly," he ordered.

A jolt from the cursed spirit that Geto summoned could be seen.

"Don't let your guard down," Geto replied.

"Who do ya think you're talkin' to?" Gojo replied as he slipped his sunglasses off of his face.

Geto, Riko, and Kuroi ran off so that they could get Riko to safety.

A blade pierced through the cursed spirit's chest which caused violet blood to go flying.

Toji was seen with a wide grin on his lips as he exorcised the cursed spirit with a cursed tool.

A cursed spirit could also be seen wrapped around his shoulders with a creepy smile on its lips.

Violet blood covered the man's figure as he stepped out of the cursed spirit he had exorcised.

'It's a different sword than before... And where'd that cursed spirit wrapped around his body come from? Dammit! What's going on?!' Gojo wondered.

"Where'd the Star Plasma Vessel go? I was hoping to finish you off with that strike. Must be getting rusty," Toji asks.

"Amanai's bounty has already been lifted, you idiot," Gojo replied.

"Yeah, because I took it down, Mr. Hotshot. To gain an advantage over guys as tightly guarded as you, I created the illusion of achieving your goals. It's regrettable that none of the sorcerers with you died, but if there wasn't any time limit on the bounty...you probably wouldn't have stopped your technique until the end," Toji states.

"Is that right?" Gojo questions before sending an attack straight at Toji.

Toji's eyes widened a bit, but he was able to jump away in time from the blast before appearing on a nearby roof.

'He's not just fast. I knew there was something weird about this guy... He has zero cursed energy! It's all innate physical prowess! I can't read his moves!' Gojo thought as he watched the cursed spirit swallow up the blade Toji had just to switch it up with a smaller one.

Toji darted across the buildings to get close to Gojo's figure just to realize something just in time so he flipped his head backward as he was sent flying into a nearby building.

'He knows about my cursed technique. That's why he lays low. He has to have a plan. It must involve that cursed tool he just took out.' Gojo realized.

"Is that your secret weapon? Too bad you can't get close enough to use it," Gojo says.

His eyes then widened when he saw how Toji was nowhere to be seen.

'Where is he?!' Gojo could hear the rustling of leaves moving all around him, along with the faint sound of footsteps. 'I can't sense him without cursed energy. Should I rely on instinct? No, I'll try to sense the energy of that cursed spirit wrapped around him. How's he so fast?!'

"Got no choice! Cursed Technique Lapse Maximum Cursed Energy Output: Blue!" Gojo sends an attack out in every direction that surrounds him, destroying every single building and the ground near him.

'Now there's nothing in the way to block my view. No more surprise attacks.' Gojo turned his head toward the forest. "Hiding in the forest?" He asked himself.

The sound of loud buzzing from wings was heard as the things that made the sound were in a huge horde.

'Those are... Fly heads?!' Gojo realized as he got swarmed by every single fly head. 'They were stored inside of that cursed spirit.' A grin appeared on his lips.

"I see, using them like a chaff grenade."

His eyes followed for any possible spot that could help him find Toji but couldn't find anything.

'I can't locate him, and my view is blocked again. I'll use blue... No, but his target is... Amanai–' Gojo was cut out of thought when he noticed how close Toji was to him.

'The sharp instinct that can detect me even when unarmed. With your six eyes, you can see the foreign cursed energy that flows out of this cursed tool. You don't want to let it get close. So now you're finally on the defensive.' Toji grinned as he broke through Gojo's infinity and stabbed the blade straight into the teenager's throat.

Special Grade Cursed Tool: Inverted Spear of Heaven.

Its effect: forced stoppage of a cursed technique.

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