Hanami's Panic

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"Here," (Y/n) tosses his phone over to Megumi who caught it.

Megumi stared at the phone in his hands for a few moments before sweatdropping. He could easily tell who was the favorite kid between him, Itadori, and Nobara when he saw the brand of phone (Y/n) had.

"What do I–?" Megumi begins to ask just to watch (Y/n) turn his back toward him and the others.

"Call Gojo and text the others about the mishaps. They probably already know about it by now, though," the cursed spirit says.

"Then what do we do?" Noritoshi asks.

"Run like a bat out of hell," (Y/n) simply answered.

The blue flames behind the three students opened a bit.

"Spicy cod roe," Inumaki piped in.

Despite having his back turned toward the trio, a grin was seen on (Y/n)'s face.

"Right. Good luck to you three too."

And just like that, Inumaki, Megumi, and Noritoshi ran to find the others.

Once he made sure the trio were gone, (Y/n) closed the opening he had.

Hanami had violet blood dripping down his chin as he stood shaking in front of (Y/n).

He had learned from Kenjaku not to fight the (H/c)-haired male too early into the mission, but he failed since he wasn't told that (Y/n) was going to be a part of it.

(Y/n) walks up to Hanami's figure, chuckling lowly.

Hanami takes a step back as his body tenses up under the heavy pressure of cursed energy (Y/n) released upon him.

Once basically face-to-face, (Y/n) tilted his head to the side and smirked.

"I'm not killing you, don't worry about that. But honestly...?" The cursed spirit laughed. "...I'll try not to leave you on the brink of death."

Hanami's body flew backward and crashed harshly into the building behind him as (Y/n) kicked him straight in the abdomen.

A loud painful cough left Hanami as he choked out blood.

(Y/n) takes a single step forward and disappears.

Hanami struggles to stand up but is forced down once more thanks to a foot being placed upon his chest.

The (H/c)-haired male leaned his upper body a bit over Hanami's figure. "You were given a special grade?" He placed a hand on his chin as he tilted his head to the side, disappointed at the figure below him.

An attack from Hanami lifts from behind (Y/n)'s figure who didn't seem to notice this at all, or so he thought.

Without looking, (Y/n) brought his hand out behind him catching the attack single-handedly.

Hanami felt his body freeze when he finally understood why (Y/n) wasn't to be messed with, even if he was holding back practically all of his strength.

The nine-tailed fox cursed spirit was like fighting to survive hell itself, maybe even worse.

(Y/n) grasps onto one of Hanami's eye branches and twists it inward.

A pained grunt left Hanami as he tried to escape (Y/n)'s hold.

Hanami sends a kick in the said male's direction, which causes (Y/n) to loosen his hold on the eye branch.

The (H/c)-haired male skids backward, which gives Hanami enough time to get up onto his feet.

"So... Your weakness is those eye branches of yours..." (Y/n) lifts his head upward a bit, a wide smirk forming on his lips.

Hanami felt his body become frozen with fear as if he was paralyzed to his very core.

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