Premature Death, Part 3

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Gojo stood in shock and disbelief as Masamichi's words echoed throughout his mind.

"What?" Gojo says, as he couldn't believe what his teacher had told him.

"Don't make me say it again... Suguru fled after killing everyone in the village," Masamichi replied with a heavy sigh leaving his lips.

"I heard you. That's why I said, "What?"," Gojo replied.

"Suguru's parents' home is vacant as well. However, from the bloodstains and seems he might have done the same to his parents," Masamichi explains.

'There's no way!!' Gojo thought in horror.

"Satoru. I also...have no idea what the hell is going on..." Masamichi brought a hand as he also tried to understand the shocking situation a student of his had done.

"Nnngh!" Gojo clenched his teeth.


Shoko could be seen with a cigarette in between her lips as she stood in an area that allowed smoking.

"Need a light?" A voice asked which captured her attention.

Geto gave a small wave and a smile at the brunette. "Hey!"

Shoko gave an indifferent, but amused look in Geto's direction.

"If it isn't the culprit himself. What do you want?" Shoko asked as she took the cigarette out of her mouth.

Geto comes walking over and lights Shoko's cigarette with a lighter.

"You could say I'm testing my luck," Geto answered.

"I see..." Shoko trailed off.

The duo stood beside each other as they continued their conversation.

"I'll ask for the hell of it– are these accusations against you false?" Shoko asked as she side-eyed the taller male beside her.

Geto chuckled softly. "No, I'm afraid not," he answered.

"Another one for ya... Why'd you do it?" Shoko questions.

A soft smile appeared on Geto's lips. "I'm going to create a world of only jujutsu sorcerers," he replied.

Shoko laughed as she brought her phone out. "Ha ha ha! What the heck does that mean?"

"I'm not a child anymore. I don't need everyone to understand," Geto reasoned.

"Sulking because no one understands you... Sounds awfully childish if you ask me. Hey, Gojo? Geto's here. Yeah. In Shinjuku. No way. I don't wanna be killed," Shoko spoke to Gojo on the phone.


Geto stood quietly with a tired look on his face, ignoring all the people who were walking by him.

His attention landed on Gojo's figure who had decided to head his way out to Shinjuku.

Shoko had left not too long ago, which was why Geto had been by himself for a while.

"Explain yourself...Suguru!" Gojo exclaimed.

"You already heard from Shoko, didn't you? That's all there is to it," Geto replied.

"That's reason enough for you to kill all non-sorcerers?! Even your parents?!" Gojo shouted in disbelief.

"It wouldn't be fair if I made an exception for my parents, would it? Besides, my family now consists of more than just them," Geto says.

"That's not what I'm talking about. You were the one who said killing non-sorcerers is pointless," Gojo gritted his teeth angrily.

"There is a point and a meaning to it. It's also justice," Geto replied, seemingly indifferent about the conversation between the two of them.

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