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Jogo could casually be seen sitting on a rock, breathing out smoke from his lips without a care in the world.

"Hey! There you are!! Jogooo!!" A wild and naked, Mahito hollers.

Jogo stares in fear as Mahito cannonballs into the steaming bath in front of him, and sends water flying.

"Looks like you're back to normal."

Mahito swims joyfully in the water.

"Yeah. It's comfortable here. No humans around."

Jogo takes notice of Geto sitting beside him, and sweatdrops.

"Not having a body is a pain."

"You're also lacking in cursed energy, Mahito," Geto points out.

"You're right! Turns out Sukuna, his vessel, and the nine-tailed fox are my mortal enemies. This all started by chance after I came across a toy...but it didn't end so well. Started out just fine. Should I not have used the hostage to force a binding vow?" Mahito replied.

Geto chuckled. "No, a binding vow is entered into willingly. Forcing or coercing a vow on someone isn't easy," he says.

Mahito gets out of the water and sits on the edge of it.

"Jogo, after touching Sukuna's soul, I understand...why we should proceed according to Geto's plan. Sukuna and the nine-tailed fox are that reliable," Mahito says.

"Collect all of Sukuna's fingers...and offer them to Sukuna. And while at it...grab the Mask of Trickery and Curses, and give it to the nine-tailed fox. Even if it means we are all eliminated, correct?" Jogo chuckled as he grinned.

"Oh. You get it," Mahito beamed.

"Fine by me. It doesn't have to be me specifically who is smiling in the end. As long as curses emerge as the true humans," Jogo replied.

"Then let's retrieve the six fingers and the mask stored at Jujutsu High, shall we?" Geto piped in.

"Is that necessary? The sorcerers are using Yuji consume the fingers, right?" Jogo asks.

"The authorities at Jujutsu High are still feeling out Yuji Itadori's capacity as a vessel. They're not sure how many fingers he can consume before he loses control. Exceptions aside, they'll have him devour all the fingers at once after they've been all collected. And no one but Satoru Gojo knows who (Y/n) truly is. Authorities don't even know they have a cursed spirit among their students that could easily end it all if he wanted," Geto states.

"We can't wait until then. In the worst-case scenario, Yuji Itadori might be eliminated by the higher-ups."

Another grin formed on Jogo's lips. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained, huh? So, that's the plan?" He asks.

"It's already underway. We've tricked Jujutsu High into gathering the fingers," Geto answers.


"Nanamiiii! Tell me a funny story!" Gojo complains.

Nanami stays quiet, listening to the male's complaints about being bored.

"I got it! Let's record us playing catch with old rice balls while talking about the separation of church and stare. It'll go viral!" Gojo exclaimed.

"Do it yourself. What're you talking about?" Nanami replied.

"Tell me, what do you like about Satoru Gojo?!" Gojo claps his hands together. "I like everything!"

Nanami opens up a newspaper. "On a related note... Some lighthearted joking could do some good for Itadori right now."

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