For Myself

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"Whoa! It's in the mountains? Is this really Tokyo?" Itadori asked in awe.

"This isn't actually out of the ordinary for a Tokyo Suburb," Gojo replied.

"What about Fushiguro and (Y/n)?" Itadori asks.

"Megumi's fast asleep after receiving jutsu treatment. (Y/n) is...somewhere," Gojo answered.

Gojo then decides to change the topic. "First things first Yuji– you've got an interview with the principal," he says.

"The principal?" The pink-haired male questions, confused.

"If you mess up, you might get rejected for admission, so stay frosty, okay?" Gojo casually states.

"What?! Does that mean I get executed right away?!" Itadori shouted in worry and disbelief.

"What a disappointment... I thought you were the leader... a hierarchy not based purely on strength is boring, if you ask me," Sukuna says as he appears on Itadori's cheek as a mouth.

Itadori immediately slammed his hand on his cheek to shut Sukuna up.

"Sorry Sensei, he comes out sometimes..." Itadori apologies.

"What an interesting body you have now," Gojo says while bringing a single thumb up to his lips.

"I owe you debt, after all."

"Not again!" Itadori complains as the mouth appears on the top of his hand this time.

"When I make this kid's body'll be the first one I kill! And while at it, I'll be searching for my nine-tailed fox!" Sukuna declared.

"Me, a target of the Great Sukuna? What an honor!" Gojo laughs but says nothing about the second part.

He knew where (Y/n) was, but he wasn't going to tell Sukuna that.

"So he really is famous?" Itadori questions, slapping the hand that had the mouth on it. He was confused about what Sukuna meant by mentioning a nine-tailed fox, he didn't ask since it was probably personal and a secret.

"Sukuna Ryomen, with four arms and two faces, is a demon of legend. The truth is, he was a human who actually existed, but that was over a thousand years ago... in the golden age of jujutsu, jujutsu sorcerers had sharpened their skills against him, but were ultimately defeated. With the title Sukuna Ryomen, he would traverse the ages after his death as a cursed object. We jujutsu sorcerers wouldn't even be able to destroy his remains preserved in their own grave wax. Without a doubt... he is the King of Curses!" Gojo explains.

"Is he stronger than you, sensei?" Itadori asks.

Gojo crossed his arms over his chest. "Hm... good question. If Sukuna were to completely regain his might be a little tough," he answers.

"Would you lose?" Itadori wonders.

Gojo smiles. "Nah, I'd win."

The duo enters a building with a man waiting for them.

"Satoru! You're late! You're late by eight minutes!" The man scolds.

Itadori stares at the scene before him, dumbfounded.

"I thought I told you to stop being late...but not late enough for me to get angry!" The principal, Masamichi Yaga, continued.

"If it's not enough to get mad about, then cut me some slack. I figured you'd be making dolls anyway, so eight manga is no big deal, right?" Gojo sighs out.

"So that's the kid?" Masamichi asks, gazing at Itadori.

Itadori immediately bows. "My name is Yuji Itadori! I'm into girls like Jennifer Lawrence! Nice to meet you!" He greeted.

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